The Death of Facts.

I think we are on the cusp of history. Although this “cusp” of history threatens to do away with history altogether! I’m sure a lot of people would be just fine and dandy with that! Who needs all those boring classrooms full of boring teacher droning on the relationships of events and how they affect us today! Well They DON’T affect us To-DAY RIGHT? Who cares what the framers of the US Constitution were thinking. We all know that GOD wrote the Constitution and every other – convenient part of US government documents, like Amendment 2 of the Bill or Rights.

That pesky 13th amendment ?  Not so much!

But facts my funseekers are the real things at risk here and good riddance! Now we can just make declarations and they instantly become facts. Not hard facts mind-you but squishy facts which have to be disproven (presumably so they can become “unfacts.)

So for example; US President elect Donald Trump can say in an office “twitter press release” that “millions of illegal immigrants voted in the last election and that explains the “bogus” lead in the popular vote enjoyed by Hillary Clinton.” It instantly becomes a FACT!

See how easy that is? So Tweets on a twitter account automatically transmit factual information?   Twitter is a hyper Internet TRUTH NETWORK!

If you happen to be Donald Trump that is. He claims that he never lies so anything he says is automatically a FACT, unless he declared that he was telling a lie in which case a large paradox would probably open up and swallow him.

But, lies no longer matter! Only “goodfacts” matter and those goodfacts will be determined by the people in charge! Not by scientists or (shutter) historians! Who wants their blather anyway. It’s going to be so much more comfortable to know that our 1.5 ton pickup (modified to roll-coal on command) is not influencing global warming. Why? Because global warming is a myth dumbass! Trump said so and it must be true! Jobs in the US departed for cheaper climes because of the Liberals. That’s gotta be it! I got laid off from my cushy factory job because Obama is a Muslim and he hates white people! It all makes sense! 

Se how easy that is? You can’t disprove any of those things so they ALL must be true!

Goodfacts rule! Facts suck! Science – sucks too!

Welcome to the world of today! A world of fat middle aged galoots shaking their fists at the libratard academics in their ivory towers. Hating those left wing tyrants in New York City and LA. Resting sure that the TV will tell them of their new tax breaks and the phones going to ring with news of their new factory job.

It’s not a brave new world, it’s a GREAT NEW AMERICA!

Be brave Funseekers!

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