Alex Jones says “Something’s going to happen!”

16 days to the end of the world! 



Long-time prognosticator of doom, Alex Jones claimed Saturday that something is going to happen. Back in JUNE he said something was going to happen and now things are happening! When is it going to happen? Real soon!  Alex doesn’t know exactly what is going to happen. He doesn’t know when it’s going to happen. But he’s pretty sure that IT, whatever “it” might be will happen real soon!

How could this happen? Well Alex Johns says that our technology has overrun the powers of our intellect. Look at nano-technology. “They don’t even know how it works” It’s probably gotten loose!” says Alex. Or the Large Hadrian Collider. It might create  a black hole and suck all of this suckage to places no suckeage has ever sucked before! Alex doesn’t claim it’s going to – but it might!

Or those carbon taxes! Carbon in the atmosphere has been diving over the years and now they want to foist this stupid carbon tax on us?

Studies also show that GMO foods are giving rats cancer! Why? “Because they are here to destroy us” claims Alex. Superbugs, those illegals,  migrants, the rats, The ring of fire. “It’s crazy” says Alex Jones. The stars are aligning.

Also, Obama is behind ISIS, Donald Trump said so! And all those migrants. They are going to flood us with millions of people which will destabilize the economy and create a political voting block! For socialism! This will further take our rights and our liberty says Alex.

We are in a total – emergency – alert. Alex studies this stuff so he knows what he’s talking about. “Get guns, lots of guns” says Alex and train with them. He’s risking his life with this Intel. It’s not a game! Look in his eyes!


They are going to eat us alive! The giant criminal gangs? What to know how America will be taken down? And organised world-wide depression!


With shadow radical Islamic armies to create the crisis whenever the government determines it should take place.

We are already getting gangraped! This is just the forplay” says Alex.

Well; whatever is happening according to Alex. It’s going to be big-big news. We should all put a paper bag over our heads, get ripped or just cower in our bathrooms because whatever is coming is definitely coming – real soon!

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