Roswell Sliders


“I never did it for money,
I knew I was going to lose cash even before started the organisation of the event, but I didn’t care,”
– Jaime Maussan

If you are like me you haven’t been counting the days. You really haven’t been paying much attention! But it’s ” “the event that will change the history of UFO research.”

I believe it did! Not for the better unless one is a skeptic.

Well the slides themselves are – not very interesting (other than in a historical context.) . They consist of the travel photos of  Bernerd and Hilda Ray. A couple who did some extensive travel during the 1940s and took trip photos. Two of the pics are supposedly “unlike any of the others” (except that they are of museum displays – LIKE some of the others.)

Photo via The Mirror UK.)

As a matter of (alleged) fact, they seem to be photos of a child taken from the Mesa Verde site. 

So what was the objective of the folks who put on the Roswell Slides spectacle? $20 for rights to see the stream. $350 to attend the spine-tingeing event in person.

The official Roswell Slides webpage.

Well some good has come out of all this. Many people have attested that this non-event has made them more skeptical. If there is one thing that UFO research needs is more skeptics! Thanks to the Roswell Slides it looks like this may have happened.

More info can be found at ….

The Inquisitr
The Mirror
The Roswell Slides Research Group.

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