Monthly Archives: November 2014

Were Ancient Martians Murdered by Nuclear Bomb-Dropping Aliens? An Investigation

As far as we can tell, Mars is a desolate-looking desert, with no obvious life. Sure, there may still be microbes there, but I think it’s safe to say that there is not an advanced civilization living on the Red Planet. But … Continue reading

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My buddy James – the “Thin Skinned Guru” is back!

After a long absence, my buddy and pal James Gilliland has taken a vacation from his dope-ranch (sorry; Sativa Sanctuary)  and raring to go! This time to Mexico for some spiritual adventure! –  Of a sort!   [So writes James Gilliland. My … Continue reading

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Great news!

Aspiration is the driver of presence. By summoning, we grow. We vibrate, we self-actualize, we are reborn. The future will be an angelic unveiling of beauty. The biosphere is approaching a tipping point. This path never ends. It is a … Continue reading

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The Hunter, The Hoaxer, And The Battle Over Bigfoot

  It’s a sweaty July day, and Rick Dyer is in his tank-like Toyota, barreling down a highway just south of Atlanta. It’s a comically oversize SUV, with a rack of roof lights and an exterior wrapped in flat-black vinyl. … Continue reading

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