Ode to Lisa

December 5, 1995;

A small caravan of cars drove to the Hospital.

They drove past four other hospitals to get to the right one.

A figure in the back seat in one of the cars, wrapped in a blanket.

Lisa Mcperson.

She died en-route.

The nearest hospital was a block away.

An Ambulance team could have saved her at the scene.

But she was driven forty-five minutes to the “right” hospital

Because of her religion.



They couldn’t figure it out, these specialists of the mind.

When she stripped naked on a public street.

When she babbled, when she raged.

When she stopped eating.

When she stopped talking,

When she stopped drinking water for ten days!

They couldn’t figure it out.

These specialists of the mind.

These  Scientologists.

Did they apologize?

Did they try to fix what was broken?

Did they say, “we are sorry Lisa. we followed a man who didn’t know much about the human mind.

We were wrong. We tried to help her and we killed her.

Did they apologize?

They covered it up.

They bribed officials.

They harassed.

They lied.

They spit on mourners. They blew out candles that were lit – for Lisa.

These  Scientologists.

These specialists of the mind.

December 5, 1995;

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