Ghost Tarding!

OK, let me premise this rant with a simple question. Why – Oh why are some people who are involved with the paranormal so – odd about the paranormal?

I mean I see  that some people have all oars in the water in regards to so called ghost busting or ghost hunting. Some approach the “field” a more or less sober, methodical manner. One group says that they require a “skeptic” to be part of each “investigation” which seems sensible to me. Others are just in it to make a fast buck (which also seem sensible to me in another way.)

Then There are a few ghost “hunters’ and “paranormal enthusiasts” who do not seem to approach much of anything in a sensible way. They are the “Ghost-Tards” and like Saucer Fanatics. They muck up things for everyone else.

Ghost Tards;

  • Cannot take criticism.
  • Find ghosts everywhere.
  • Don’t really pay attention to statistical places, Ghosts should be found at nursing homes, hospices or busy crossroads, not spooky houses. In other words, they don’t seem to investigate place people actually die.
  • They make up “science” (like EMP PVP and suchlike)
  • Just because they use a gadget – it’s automatically scientific.
  • What do ghosts have to do with magnetic fields anyway?
  • Why do ghost want to talk to living people?
  • Why is it that ghosts NEVER give out information that somebody alive does not already know?
  • Why can’t ghosts from distant times give us information about what life was like in their time?
  • How is it that ghosts tend to speak English? Even ghosts from hundreds or thousands of years ago?
  • WTF is a ghost? If you are going to try and investigate it (let alone talk to one,) don’t you think it’s a good idea to clearly define what you are dealing with?
  • Then finally, why do Ghost Tards insist on attacking people who ask such questions?

The answer is simple; ghost-tards are people with an enthusiasm to “break the veil of death” and communicate with people who are in fact- dead. I’m not sure why they want to do this really. Discovering that dead people are all around me would be – upsetting to say the least. I can’t think of anything more revolting than having some long dead ancestor following me around and giving advice, or watching me eat, sleep fart or grunt on the toilet. I like my privacy! Having ghosts around would be like the worst thing imaginable. Yet Ghost Tards want to speak with dead people and “gain wisdom” from them.

Look, if a person is going to gain wisdom, the only sure place to do that with dead people is BOOKS! Books allow the dead to speak and you don’t need any mumbo-jumbo EPV or other bogus hand waving to make it happen. You just have to be careful about whose books you read. You also don’t have to deal with the dead person itself. Big advantage methinks.

Ghosts Tards think this is all a bunch of nonsense as they whip out their handy psychic or medium (only a 60% fail rate.) Science is just to create better bogus gadgets and the internet so they can publish their spine-tingling tales without having to go through editors and do all of that pesky due-diligence.

Now, I’m not saying ghosts don’t exist. Not at all. It would be cool if we could talk to people who have died, “Hey! how’s it hanging there” and all that. (Other than my reasons why this would suck in a previous paragraph.)

I am saying that there is no compelling evidence that ghosts exist outside of the imagination of Ghost Tards  If you watch any one of a number of Ghost Tard’s favorite TV programs (Ghost Hunters and the like) you will discover a factoid that they will assign significance to. That 4 out of five people (or 7 out of 10 -whatever it happens to be this week) people believe in ghosts and that makes ghosts real. If only things actually worked that way!

  I challenge any ghost hunter to prove me wrong. You can’t I know you can’t because YOU CANNOT PROVE THAT, WHICH DOES NOT EXIST! 

You can believe what you want ghost tards, but the strength of your beliefs don’t amount to a hill of beans in this world.

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