Ancient Aliens Debunked

OK, so it’s really been a long time since I’ve written any crap here. I ran across this little gem a few days ago and HAD to include it.

This takes a couple of hours to run through, but it’s well worth it. If you are like me, the History Channel program “Ancient Aliens” drives you nuts. First off, it has no business being on the History Channel. It would fit right in on the Total Bulshit Channel (TBC) if the had such a thing. Come to think of it, Ancient Aliens would fit right in after FOX News.

I mean, not only is it chock full of Erich Von Daniken bullcrap that was debunked decades ago. It even has the Von-Meister himself along with “Hair-dude” and a bevy of high-school dropouts (I kid you not) who pontificate on stuff they know nothing about

It’s just a hour of blaa-blaa – “evidence points to extraterrestrials in the far past” blaa-blaa, “no human could possibly move rocks or carve rocks or do engineering so it must-must-MUST be aliens!”

I can’t watch it – truly. It’s too painful.

But the fellows who made this video watched it, and took notes. Then they destroyed it. If I had the money I would produce this program for some prime-time spot. What these folks say , needt to be said – loudly and often.

What do they say? Well, watch for yourself!

The Odd Emperor.



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