After 65 years if we can’t produce aliens let’s produce money at Area 51



An article at Fox News on July 9, 2012states that there are still questions surroundingArea 51, even though it’s now been 65 years since the Roswell Daily Record reported “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region.” That same article also quoted a retired CIA veteran who said he’s seen definitive proof that an alien spacecraft with extraterrestrials aboard actually landed at Roswell, New Mexico on July 8, 1947.

Websites and newspapers have been quotingChase Brandon for more than a week now, since his June 23, 2012 appearance on Coast to Coast AM. And why not? Anytime someone puts the words “Roswell” and “proof” together in the same sentence, everybody on the planet’s going to sit up and take notice.

But step back and get a wide angle shot of the action. It’s been 65 years and we still have no definitive, heart-stopping proof that what actually crashed down in the dessert was an alien spacecraft, complete with little green men. I’m not saying the proof doesn’t exist, or that it never existed.

What I am saying is that in 65 years we’ve seen a tremendous advance in all areas of technology yet we’re still unable to agree on what happened that day. At this point, if you say you have proof then let’s hear it. Otherwise, get in line behind all the other “experts”.

Roswell, New Mexico, the “Alien Capital of the World”, is now the site for the annual Roswell UFO Conference, the International UFO Museum, The Alien Caffeine Espresso Bar and a host of other alien-oriented family-fun activities. McDonald’s has built a theme park/restaurant there, designed to look like a spaceship and the annual UFO Festival, where they hold an Alien Chase and an Alien Pet Costume contest and sell Deep Fried Alien-on-a-stick, attracts thousands of people from all over the world.


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