UFO: Apparent shapeshifting demonic alien appears over Mexico

Because that what it has to be!

Date of sighting: February 28, 2012
Location of sighting: Atizapan, Mexico

The above vide shows a recent photo of a “UFO” seen in Mexico.

In the below video, John Todd suggests that archons on Earth are able to incite UFOs to appear in the sky.  However, such UFOs are not spacecraft.  For more information, watch the video below.

The late-Jodd Todd is a former “insider”.

It appears that the UFOs over Mexico were consistent with the alien demonic shape-shifting entities described by John Todd.

Pagan Gnostics sought to warn humanity that archons can replicate matter as “shape shifting” entities which can appear to be human, or even UFOs.




…Looks like a blob to me!




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