Monthly Archives: January 2012

The Decline And Fall Of Scientology? Skeptic Magazine Makes The Case

?A colleague of mine once explained to me why he keeps away from Scientology stories at his publication (which will remain nameless). He wasn’t concerned about the church’s reputation for litigiousness, and he wasn’t worried that a story about Scientology’s … Continue reading

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Over the past 50 years, billions of dollars have been spent visiting our nearest neighbor in space, the moon. It’s the only extraterrestrial body humans have ever walked on. Besides the United States and Russia, Japan, China, India and the … Continue reading

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1/16/2012 — ‘Strange sounds’ heard WORLDWIDE — what is it?!

I’ll tell you what it is. It’s TROGDOR!    

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News of ET contact will likely first come from social media channels

Jason McClellan | Jan 16, 2012   Social media channels like Twitter and Facebook have developed into valuable news delivering and receiving platforms. Social media services are accessible on desktop computers, laptop computers, tablet computers, smartphones, and even televisions. In this … Continue reading

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Vermin Supreme

In an election climate where candidates succeed by discouraging citizens from engaging in independent cognitive activity, repeat Candidate Vermin Love Supreme , (the only bona-fide American Presidential Candidate to actually donate a living organ,) has broken away from the rat pack. Whatever … Continue reading

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Part of the disappearing bee mystery may have been solved: They were turned into ZOMBEES

DON’T BLINK For years, scientists in both North America have been trying to figure out what has been killing off bees. Environmental changes? Pollution? Aliens? The actual answer however, could be more sinister: Flies that have learned they can attack … Continue reading