The size of Earth, in comparison to… let’s say, the sun… is equivalent to the size of a grain of sand. And even then the size of the sun, in comparison to Betelgeuse, is equivalent to the size of 1 pixel… and this is so on and so forth for however limited or infinite you think space really is. So taking that into consideration, Earth is basically nothing in size, yet it STILL amazingly exceeds the size of us, just like we amazingly exceed the size of a micro-organism. Yet… regardless of this, people still think that the only way of life is living the life that has been handed down to us from generations and generations of misguided people with closed off ideals. Our potentials aren’t limited to pursuing one choice of study for our one choice of career that we’ll have, just to make money to buy flashy material things that fit up to a flashy material lifestyle… and they aren’t limited to feelings of being worthless if we don’t look a certain way or fit up to a certain ideal. Our potentials as human beings, on Earth, in this universe… are actually infinite, but only if recognized. Sometimes I just want to shake some people, tell them to drive into the desert in the middle of the night just to look at the stars and think about life for a little while. A lot of people really need that.

likethesun: The size of Earth, in comparison to… let’s say, the sun… is equivalent…

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One Response to likethesun:
The size of Earth, in comparison to… let’s say, the sun… is equivalent to the size of a grain of sand. And even then the size of the sun, in comparison to Betelgeuse, is equivalent to the size of 1 pixel… and this is so on and so forth for however limited or infinite you think space really is. So taking that into consideration, Earth is basically nothing in size, yet it STILL amazingly exceeds the size of us, just like we amazingly exceed the size of a micro-organism. Yet… regardless of this, people still think that the only way of life is living the life that has been handed down to us from generations and generations of misguided people with closed off ideals. Our potentials aren’t limited to pursuing one choice of study for our one choice of career that we’ll have, just to make money to buy flashy material things that fit up to a flashy material lifestyle… and they aren’t limited to feelings of being worthless if we don’t look a certain way or fit up to a certain ideal. Our potentials as human beings, on Earth, in this universe… are actually infinite, but only if recognized. Sometimes I just want to shake some people, tell them to drive into the desert in the middle of the night just to look at the stars and think about life for a little while. A lot of people really need that.

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