James is upset at Erich vonDanigan!

Oh pity-pooo!

You remember Erich vonDanigan right?.

You know, ancient astronauts. Chariots of the Gods and all that. Erich has been more or less discredited by archaeologists of every stripe. Might have something to having no real evidence that matches his wild claims. Pseudo archaeological “experts”  HATE IT when real ones rain on their wild ideas.

But my old buddy James Gilliland is also  pissed off at Erich. Here is what he has to say about him.

Coast to Coast Erich vonDanigan

Quite a few years ago I met Erich at a talk and luncheon in Seattle Washington. I invited him to the ECETI Ranch to see the ships of the very off worlders or Gods he writes about. I also made available footage of their ships. I told him the story about reverse speech where when asked who was on the large golden ships in reverse speech I said sailor Vishnu is his name. One would think this would spark the interest of Erich again he said I am only interested in Antiquity. His interview on Coast to Coast again revealed he is not interested and does not believe in UFOs here and now. This is a classic example of living in the past and refusal to look at the obvious. Contact is happening NOW. Despite his proclamations that there is no scientific evidence and this is all in the past the evidence is to the contrary. We cannot ignore the top official testimony, radar returns, photos, videos, and millions of sightings and contacts around the world.

I would imagine Erich has access to a computer, can look at the disclosure projects and god forbid ECETI then make an educated decision yet you cannot instill want into another being. This is a classic example of keeping it in the past. If you keep it in the past, far way in the heavens, dark and fearful you flourish in ufology. If you have a mountain of evidence, photos, video, thousands of witnesses from all walks of life and if you know who they are and why they are here you get censored. The field of ufology is riddled with disinformation and egos with boxes demanding everyone stay within their box. There is an agenda to keep it dark and foreboding, a threat thus a new enemy for the military industrial complex. Contact with spiritually and technologically advanced beings happening here and now is a big no no if you want notoriety and material acquisition. It also can be life threatening taken from personal experience. I have been axed again and again from talk shows, documentaries for walking a path of integrity and stepping outside the box. The evidence backs us up at ECETI and the sightings and contact are ongoing which is a thorn in the side of the controllers and those trying to contain the truth in their little boxes. This should be a cooperative effort where everyone shares not a competitive cut-throat disinformation game. Do you wonder why these people do not know who is on the ships and their agenda? Do you wonder why they have not been contacted? Do you wonder why they censor, hold the off world visitors far away or in the past and are threatened by the here and now? It is because they have not risen to the occasion or have walked a path of spiritual integrity.

James Gilliland

The recursive silliness of this just cracks me up.  I mean, I don’t know why Eric didn’t take James seriously. I mean James evoked the mighty name of sailor Vishnu and everything. (Sorry – I follow Spaceman Ganesha myself so what do I know?)

However James is correct about one thing. Eric , myself and I suppose the rest of us losers should start taking James and his weed sanctuary (sorry Sativa Sanctuary) more seriously. It’s perfectly logical (says I) that benign aliens would spend  enormous resources traveling MILLIONS of miles just to blink lights randomly at James and his THC soaked pals as they (ah ehem!)  sit around in lawn chairs partake in all the Sativa Sanctuary has to offer.

It HAS to be aliens! No human flying like say, jet aircraft would have blinky lights and stuff… 

Now where was I?

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