Erich von Daniken 2

OK, now James is backpedaling, not that he didn’t have good reason to! Erich von Daniken is a revered name in the paranormal biz. A super star. Why he wrote books that were on the Times best seller’s list! I’ve read most of them! Not that I like to admit that, I was pretty impressed with Chariots of the Gods too. I was in GRADE SCHOOL at the time, now I know that his conclusions were more or less bogus. Chariots is the only one I remember well, the rest seemed kind of lame, he never really proved his forgone conclusions with any satisfaction. Really he never even came up with a smidgen of EVIDENCE let alone compelling evidence.  (Look, saying over and over again that the Pyramids in Giza had to have been constructed by spacemen jest don’t cut any mustered here in Roswell New Mexico.  WHY do you think they were made by spacemen, why do you think spacemen would WANT a giant burial mound made of stone, not to mention the nearly 100 other pyramidal buildings scattered all around the region.

No, Von Daniken is and remains a hotel hotel night clerk who wrote some interesting books while in and out of prison for fraud. He ADMITTED to making up some of his so-called “evidence” and plagiarized the whole idea from other authors, Lovecraft for one.

Anyway, James seems almost sorry that he treated Eric so badly. His little fans are certifiably impressed with Von Dainikin – not that this surprises me in the least.




Erich von Daniken 2

Although the overall response was positive concerning our concerns about Erich’s Coast to Coast denial there is no scientific evidence concerning ufos being here now and in the past since the old testament one subscriber became very irate. It was considered an attack among other things on Erich; which it was not. It was addressing statements made which are misleading and incorrect and in direct opposition to the evidence. Coming from a position of authority and making statements; which support the ongoing cover-up and misinformation game are clearly in need of addressing. When it is ignored and not addressed on Coast to Coast and disinformation is allowed to go unchecked in the interest of truth we do address these issues. Where I totally respect von Daniken’s work as far as antiquity and believe it played a major role in understanding out ancient past the problem is there is a more recent history, a now and a future replete with contacts and sightings. The frescos on church walls throughout Europe show clearly sightings and contacts playing a major role in many religions. Paintings with Voltaire and other great minds interacting with ufos are easily found by a simple search on the internet. Now add this to the disclosure projects and literally millions of ongoing sightings around the world we have to ask why Erich would make such broad all encompassing statements. It would be more appropriate to say I am only interested in antiquity and roughly anything before 2000 years ago then acting as an authority on matters he has not researched or does not want to research. Hope this clears up this matter. It is important we do not add our own victim, persecutor or savior roles into these matters and deal with them with simple logic. 


…simple logic?

Why don’t you try some logic out James. Logic would dictate that aliens are probably not traveling millions of miles just so you can ‘belive’ in them. Such a feat would not require belief, it would be factual and uncontroversial. If aliens required me to ‘belive’ in them and required faith to exist, they would either not be working in my best interests or they would not BE aliens in the first place. The very idea that aliens would need to use deceptive means to survey the Earth flies int he face of logic and reason or didn’t you know that?. It’s a religious idea, logic has no use for mystery or systematic dogmatic deception. UFOs and aliens are a fantasy unless and until incontrovertible evidence is obtained. And don’t give me any dope about Goooberment cover-ups. Governments have a tough time keeping much of anything a secret, they are certainly not  interested in chasing ball lighting or ghosts, not spending money on it and governments have come clean about UFOs. What did they find?

Same thing Eric found.

A big fat nothing.



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