Monthly Archives: October 2011

Study shows alien abductions, UFO encounters are lucid dream

Los Angeles – Researchers at the Out-of-Body Experience Research Center (OOBE Research Center) at UCLA , say they have evidence that claims of close encounter with UFOs and extraterrestrials result from vivid or lucid dreams. Lead researcher Michael Raduga, of the OOBE … Continue reading

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A plausible end-of-the-world scenario you’ve probably never thought of

You’ve seen the world end with fire, earthquakes, and WTF in movies like 2012and The Core. But to find out about truly horrific, plausible scenarios you need to ask a scientist. We talked to Cal Tech’s Joe Kirschvink, a geobiologist who studies the … Continue reading

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Drunk Florida Man Tries to Use Taco as I.D.

…Only in Florida   Ground beef is not a valid form of identification. Not in Martin County, not in Los Angeles, not anywhere. A Florida man learned this the hard way, when he handed a taco to police officers who … Continue reading

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Tourists film ‘alien’ in the Amazon

  BIZARRE footage that appears to show a small alien-shaped figure standing next to a flash of light in the jungle has been released. The video is believed to have been taken by two British tourists during a trip to … Continue reading

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James is upset at Erich vonDanigan!

Oh pity-pooo! You remember Erich vonDanigan right?. You know, ancient astronauts. Chariots of the Gods and all that. Erich has been more or less discredited by archaeologists of every stripe. Might have something to having no real evidence that matches his wild claims. Pseudo archaeological “experts”  HATE IT when real ones rain on their … Continue reading

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Happy Doomsday Funnseekers!

Yes indeed! Today is the last trump, the end of the world, the day it all goes down, dooms day! How about that! We lasted until the very last day of reality. Who would have thought it? I really hope it happens, … Continue reading

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A doomsday date for your diary! World ‘will end on Friday’ says preacher who claims the Apocalypse has arrived

By LEE MORAN Last updated at 3:31 PM on 15th October 2011 Doomsday preacher Harold Camping was left a laughing stock when his prediction that the world would end on May 21 failed to materialise. But the 90-year-old Californian may … Continue reading

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Arguing With Your Crazy Uncle About Climate Change

You can see where I’m going with this. The implicit philosophy here is that scientific “belief” is inseverable, and that if Einstein (one of our holiest prophets) can be questioned, surely everything falls apart! Just as we tore away from the … Continue reading

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Philip Boyd, Saving Grace Actor, Rips “The Business That Is Scientology”

“If I could save one person from buying into the business that is Scientology, then it would be worth you writing my story.” That’s how actor Philip Boyd concluded an interview that I didn’t even expect to happen. Let me … Continue reading


Erich von Daniken 2

OK, now James is backpedaling, not that he didn’t have good reason to! Erich von Daniken is a revered name in the paranormal biz. A super star. Why he wrote books that were on the Times best seller’s list! I’ve read … Continue reading

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