Monthly Archives: September 2011

Psychic rejects allegations of fakery

  A clairvoyant who champions herself as Britain’s best-loved psychic has rejected allegations she used off stage helpers during her shows. Psychic Sally, or Sally Morgan, whose A-list clientele includes Princess Diana, Robert De Niro, George Michael, and Uma Thurman, … Continue reading


NH notes 50th anniversary of UFO abduction story

LINCOLN, N.H.—Fifty years after Betty and Barney Hill reported seeing a flat, cigar-shaped craft hovering over them in New Hampshire’s White Mountains, the state has put up a historical marker noting their close encounter with a UFO. Returning from a … Continue reading

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A whole group of Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) are living on the border of Banff and Kootenay

  Lurking in the wild borderlands between Alberta, Canada ski resort town Banff and neighboring Kootenay, a group of unusually large primates live peacefully among the trees. Or so says Todd Standing, a local who says he’s found a “Bigfoot … Continue reading

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Chip Coffey C&Ds SciFake.

  And the Lulz continues. Chip and Ron Tebo’s SciFake page have been going after each other for the last year or so. After some unspecified comments, Chip Coffey decided he’d had enough and called his lawyer to send (this) to Ron … Continue reading

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Scientologists Publish Fake ‘New Yorker’ After Critical Article

  ‘The New Yorker’ shed a bright light on Scientology when it published an article about screenwriter and former member Paul Haggis last February. And that 24,605-word piece, penned by Lawrence Wright, painted a less than flattering picture of Scientology: Wright’s sources … Continue reading