Oh Here we go!

Now you can do your own seance on your I-phone.

“Have you ever wanted to hold a seance?
Have you ever wanted to talk to the dead?
What if summoning as spirit was as easy as pressing a button?”

What if you needed to get your head examined?

I suppose now I’ve heard everything, an I-phone application that eliminates inviting some immature super-psychic  to steal stuff while they search for “ghost” does have it’s advantages.


You don’t have to hire a fake medium.
don’t have to listen to fake medium’s sales pitch.
No need to buy fake medium the super-slam at Dennys.
It only costs a couple of bucks as apposed to fake medium who might charge a few hundred an hour.
You can turn it off.
You can uninstall it.
It only comes on the I-phone.
You don’t have to hire a fake medium.

I’d like to say that this whole ghost-busting / medium nonsense has jumped a big shark and who’t be around much longer. The sad fact is that PT Barnum was right! People are just going to keep on buying I-Phones and they will load stupid crap like this on them. I’m just glad that there is no such thing for the G phone!


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