Are UFOs Alien? No!

Astronomer Mark Thompson argues that we need only apply some common sense to know UFOs probably don’t originate from space.


It's unlikely that you'll see a flying saucer hovering over a field, but if you do, don't assume it's piloted by little green men.

It’s unlikely that you’ll see a flying saucer hovering over a field, but if you do, don’t assume it’s piloted by little green men.

I’m fed up.

Yet again, a few days ago, someone told me they saw a UFO in the early morning sky and immediately assumed it is unquestionable evidence that aliens exist and that they are visiting Planet Earth, raping and pillaging the locals!

After a big sigh, and a little sly questioning on my part, we discover they had witnessed nothing more than Venus rising in the dawn sky and the flashing lights were the distorting effect of the atmosphere.

SLIDE SHOW: Top Exoplanets for Alien Life

A few months ago, at our street party celebration for the Royal Wedding, I convinced the neighbors to launch some Chinese lanterns. It turned out that the fleet of orange lights floating silently across the sky was mistaken by an alarming number of residents nearby as a whole invasion from bog-eyed monsters! I mean, really..


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