Woman puts shout-out for hitman on Facebook

By Lester HainesGet more from this author

Posted in Bootnotes, 16th June 2011 10:41 GMT

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A Philadephia woman who decided it was a bright idea to publicly recruit a hitman on Facebook is behind bars after the intended victim’s mum spotted her murderous solicitation.

Eley London, 20, allegedly hit the social network on 23 May following a row with Corey Jerome White, the father of her one-year-old daughter. She posted: “I will pay somebody a stack to kill my baby father.”

This money-making opportunity caught the eye of Timothy Bynum, 18, who replied: “say no more,” “what he look like?” “where he be at,” “need dat stack 1st,” and “ima mop that bull”, according to ABC News.

The conspirators then allegedly agreed a price of $1,000, and London provided Bynum with an address and description of White.

[[[More via The Reg.]]]


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