Scientology is Recruiting Kids through Facebook

Investigators in Germany are concerned that the “church” of Scientology has orchestrated a targeted campaign to recruit children and teens. Unlike the situation in the United States, where it has “religion” status, Scientology in Germany is considered to be a money-making cult and a “threat to democracy,” ranked right alongside “Islamic extremism” and “Organized crime.”

Scientology and its front groups have been using platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and their German equivalents StudiVZ and SchülerVZ to post videos with titles such as “Youth for human rights,” and “Say no to drugs, say yes to life.”

Young people searching online for information on drugs or human rights quickly land on Scientology sites, which provide a glossy presentation of the organization without revealing exactly what it is.

Viewers are then encouraged to sign up for its online groups, which provides Scientology leaders with a means of direct contact to spread their message.


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