Why Many Paranormal Teams Do Not Use Psychics

Posted by Leo Ryokan on April 5, 2011 at 7:55 PM

Paranormal research and investigation has become a very fact based and evidence driven field, with a main focus on either debunking or providing solid proof that paranormal phenomena exists. With this being true, many wonder why more teams do not use psychics, sensitives, or mediums to help point investigators in the right direction, and provide helpful insights and information. I’d like to go over some of the reasons teams choose to not use psychics. Which I’ve discovered much of the scientific paranormal community are hesitant to express openly, not wanting to offend anyone. As a medium involved in paranormal investigating for years, I am a strong advocate for finding a technical and spiritual balance in this field. But the many concerns regarding this subject are valid, and should be addressed.


One of the biggest concerns scientific researchers have is finding a psychic who is able to contribute in a way to help obtain evidence. For example, go into any paranormal chat room and ask “Who here is a sensitive?” Or just log on to Facebook and search psychics. The amount of people claiming to have abilities is enormous, with various and sometimes confusing titles describing what they can do. I believe psychic abilities are inherit in all people, but the skills and caliber of performance can vary greatly. It would also be very naive to think that some are not charlatans or exaggerate their abilities. So how can scientific investigators sort through the seemingly endless list of individuals, to find a psychic who can be of service to them? To try out every claimed psychic would be very time consuming and could also compromise an investigation and the teams reputation. So simply put, it’s a chance not all teams are willing to take.


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