Chip Coffey Psychic Or Bully?

Written by Leslie Valentin

We live in a world where the general public is caught up by Paparazzi moments due to celebrities dating or breaking up, acting bizarre and fighting addictions amongst other issues. We also live in a time where the facts are not the key points but rather speculation, rumors and innuendos are. The world of reporting on people who are “in the spotlight” has purportedly assassinated the character of many, caused heartbreak for others, and yet for some, a major boost in ratings and popularity. The paranormal world of television or its “stars” are not immune from this.

This nation and probably much of the free viewing world has viewed recent behaviors by actor, Charlie Sheen.  His grandiose scheme of raging has not only lost him credibility, but also his contract with a television network as well as his job.

What is appalling is when persons such as Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson are held accountable for their words and actions while others who throw hissy fits and tantrums are not.


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