Monthly Archives: March 2011

Bless the Beasts, and the Children…

There has been a bit of talk lately about the Psychic Kids program on A&E  (or was on A&E, it was canceled I  hope. ) I haven’t actually watched an episode of Psychic Kids, I’ve certainly read a lot about … Continue reading


Why did the Bigfoot Cross the Road?

To get badly filmed? I mean really! Why is it that NO film of the big hairy fellow is crisp and sharp enough to tell if it’s a suit or not? Is this written down in some cryptologist manual? “All films of Bigfoot must … Continue reading

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Interesting stats

I’ve not been around much. Most of this week has been about makig changes on the Odd Empire wiki pages and tightening security (we have a spambot problem.) I was looking at the stats and found this little tidbit. I … Continue reading

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Paris critics savegely attacked by Scientologists

Paris critics savegely attacked by Scientologists

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Chip Coffey Psychic Or Bully?

Written by Leslie Valentin We live in a world where the general public is caught up by Paparazzi moments due to celebrities dating or breaking up, acting bizarre and fighting addictions amongst other issues. We also live in a time where the … Continue reading

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I do not hate Chip Coffey nor do I dislike his misguided fans. Some of his fans have written to me expressing concern about Mr. Coffey’s true intentions and in my opinion he  intends to silence those who speak out … Continue reading

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Bigfoot filmmaker sues for free speech

Associated Press — CONCORD, N.H. — A New Hampshire amateur filmmaker says his idea to don a Bigfoot costume and videotape hiker reactions was just a spontaneous idea and social experiment. But Jonathan Doyle’s Bigfoot sighting turned into a Bigfoot … Continue reading

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Actually I did read your post. And I have written about this before, just not on tumblr. Frankly just saying “WBC sucks” simply makes them suck more (IMO.) It’s a difficult subject to be sure. Freedom of speech applies to everyone in the US, not just to the people we agree with. WBC might have started out as a (oh god) sincere Christian based ministry, but today it’s just a bunch of stupid trolls who are using the average American’s misunderstanding of the first amemendment to their advantage. ellewrobo:
So for my Journalism class I have to do this mock debate tomorrow. Which is just reading a prepared text then being asked a question. No biggie. But the topic is really pissing me off. I have to argue that Offensive protests by the Westboro Baptist Church should not be protected under the First…
WBC members are covered by the first amendment. Get over it. People in the United States have the ability call each other hurtfull things. Like if I wanted to say that, in my opinion Fred Phelphs and the rest of the gang at WBC are a bunch of psudo religios trolls who make money by pissing people off untill they get popped in the nose, than SUING them for violating thier civil rights, I’m perfecly safe to say that. Why? Becuse it’s my opinion and the evedence would sugests that it’s true. Don’t get upset, that’s what they want. Good luck with your class.
 You could have read the rest of my post before you decided to school me on the First Amendment and told me to get over myself. If you want to make a post about how people are freaking out too much over Westboro, make your own damn post next time instead of stealing then abridging someone else’s.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Pokemon: Westboro Sucks Ass and Ruins Funerals… and Makes Me Question the First Amendment, Which Makes Me Very Upset

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Part 1: Parents of kid featured on “Psychic Kids” lash out at Scifake. Go figure!

I am really upset with one parent who viciously attacked me via Facebook because I questioned her son’s psychic abilities after watching a sophomoric interview (and one sided) about his pretend powers. See the interview below and captured screen shots … Continue reading

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Part 1: Parents of kid featured on “Psychic Kids” lash out at Scifake. Go figure!

Part 1: Parents of kid featured on “Psychic Kids” lash out at Scifake. Go figure!

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