How Come We Always Have To Wait Until Night To Do This?

This comes via SciFake and CNN..

I can’t tell you how revolting this all is. Basically a bunch of adults are informing children that they have psychic powers.

According to Wikipidia;

the show brings together children who report having psychic abilities with adult psychic/mediums, with the stated purpose of “show[ing] them how to harness their abilities and, ultimately, [showing] them that they’re not alone in this world”

Now I’ve never watched this show and truthfully, that’s probably a good thing.

I mean GAG ME! I don’t have a problem with keeping children’s  minds open but TELLING THEM THAT IT’S OK TO BE A DELUDED ADULT!!! The very thought of more Lord Ricks in the world, deluded adults  who really believe that they are super beings who can say or do whatever they like.

I truly feel sorry for those kids and hope that show is canceled on  A&E soon.

The Odd Emperor


Scifake’s Note: We received permission from the author Brandon K. Thorp to repost this article. Mr.Thorp is a freelance producer fro CNN and his credentials are excellent. In addition, today I spoke with Mr. Thorp personally via phone and he was very pleasant. His excellent story is a prelude to other stories surrounding Chip Coffey and A&E’s pathetic TV show Psychic Kids.

It’s my opinion A&E’s Psychic Kids is exploiting children. As a parent, I found one child reaching out for help via A&E’s Psychic Kids forum. Yes, scifake has this exclusive video and we soon will share it with our readers.

This teenager thinks she is being raped in her dreams by a paranormal entity and she is convinced a person from the A&E Psychic Kids forum will help her. She talks about scratch marks on her legs and how she needs immediate paranormal help. It’s sad that she is seeking help from the A&E community and not a professional and maybe A&E is responsible for her delusiveness.


Story below.

By Brandon K. Thorp

Common sense: Kids should be rewarded for good, not bad, behavior. The adults in their midst have a duty to discourage their anti-social, crazy, and excessively goofy tendencies, and to moderate any wild imaginative flights that could lead them to dishonesty, or to a permanent disfigurement of their budding worldviews. Most of all, adults must be square with them; mustn’t molest their cosmologies or affirm their infantile tendencies in such a way that the children will be mentally crippled or stunted. That’s my opinion.

Also my opinion: For the reasons above and probably several hundred more, Chip Coffey is one bad dude. Check out this clip from his show, Psychic Kids, the second season of which began airing last month, and continue reading after the jump. (I’d have embedded the vid, but its hosts have disabled that option. Probably to keep it from getting posted here.)


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