More and more in the continuing drama over at SciFake. I don’t know if its art, but I do like it!

Personally I have no problem with the Klinge brothers and really my only wish for Christmas (LMAO) before this impulsive interview is for the die-hard and unsound fans to stop making this gridlock between the Klinge brothers and I personal! Seriously, there are some debilitated backscratching fans with ruptured minds posting freaky comments on Facebook and I’m sure Brad and Barry are adept (to an aloft level) to see right through the bullshit.

False claims by business owners

Furthermore, both Brad and Barry (and other paranormal teams) should clearly comprehend that there are bootlicking hospitality business owners/operators (e.g., restaurants, museums, hotels) falsifying haunted claims only to hitch their box car to the figurative paranormal money train to help fund operational expense! Like a deer in headlights, the confirmation is clear and these businesses should (and will ) be exposed for this deception.

Some have gone as far to grandstand an erroneous friendship with various paranormal TV celebrities (e.g., Ghost Hunters, Ghost Lab) hoping to attract a new crowd of napping customers by dishonorably advertising this askew claim. Scifake will entertain another article soon about this growing problem.

In closing, I look forward to a professional discussion with Brad and Barry. In regards to this article, look for a video soon and I will be shaking the untruth tree.

Report a business

To report a business owner falsifying paranormal claims, please send email to fakers@scifake.com. Include ALL evidence and contact information.


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