This is serious! Brad Klinge from Discovery Channel’s “Ghost lab” threatens us (scifake) with physical violence for exercising our fundamental right to free speech(see photos below).

What would Discovery think?

You too should be outraged! This man represents a professional (I say this with caution in fear of getting my ass kicked) entity and he has the gall to make personal threats against me just because I do not agree to all his comments said about Ghost Hunters on a his mortified radio show. Sure, he made some valid points during the broadcast; however, his threats are unjustified and they should not be taken lightly! Below is his comments about the writers at scifake! Be prepared to be nauseous and when making comments …please use caution because you do not want Brad to get pissed and threaten you too!

Looking for a huge collection of idiots in one place? Apparently is the place to be. They are the lastest to attempt to bash us. We LOVE it! I wish the Mutiny could have a segment where we beat the shit out of these people. Apparently they didn’t get enough ass beatings when they sat dateless throughout highschool. Good ol’ Texas justice! Keep it coming fellas. Yall are only digging your own graves.


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