Monthly Archives: February 2011

How Come We Always Have To Wait Until Night To Do This?

This comes via SciFake and CNN.. I can’t tell you how revolting this all is. Basically a bunch of adults are informing children that they have psychic powers. According to Wikipidia; the show brings together children who report having … Continue reading

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Anonymous and Westboro Baptist Church: When PR Stunts Backfire

Companies struggle to gain exposure for products and services, and engage public relations firms to help craft and communicate effective marketing messages. Sometimes, organizations turn to PR stunts to attract attention, but PR stunts backfire almost as often as they … Continue reading

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Secrets of the chupacabra revealed

Reporter: Larry Barker ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – It’s a mysterious vampire beast of mythical proportions right up there with the Loch Ness monster, Bigfoot and the Abominable Snowman. It’s the chupacabra. Everyone knows the name, but no one knows where they … Continue reading

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Totally 1.1: Taking Scientology Hostage

After reading Lawrence Wright’s incredible profile of Paul Haggis and his dramatic departure from Scientology in the last issue of the New Yorker, I couldn’t help but wonder how Scientologists ended up coining so many awesome terms and phrases. Everything is … Continue reading


Bigfoot Report: Strange Hairs Collected

Crescent City, CA. A resident of this remote part of California claims that a Bigfoot trampled over his fence, ripped open a peacock pen and took some of his birds. Why a Bigfoot you say? Kirk Stewart found several long … Continue reading

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Westboro Baptists Stage Fake Anonymous Threat

Westboro Baptists Stage Fake Anonymous Threat Tom Goldman | 21 Feb 2011 11:16 am Filed under: tom goldman, anonymous, church, hackers, hacking, hoax, threat, westboro baptist church image The Westboro Baptist Church evidently created a fake threat from Anonymous as … Continue reading

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Westboro Baptist Church targeted by Anonymous

Hacker group Anonymous appears to have singled out its next target – the controvesial anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church in the US. An open letter, purporting to be from Anonymous, accused the church of bigotry and fanaticism. It warned that Westboro’s … Continue reading

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Robert Fulford: Scientology under the microscope

A young woman, selling advertising for the magazine I edited some decades ago, asked one morning for a private meeting. It developed that she was a Scientologist, aiming to recruit me. She explained that working with a Scientology practitioner had … Continue reading

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More and more in the continuing drama over at SciFake. I don’t know if its art, but I do like it! Personally I have no problem with the Klinge brothers and really my only wish for Christmas (LMAO) before this … Continue reading

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