Schizoids and militants. Describes half (if not more) of the paranormal investigators.

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I have been part of scifake for over two years and I have learned through research, reading emails, reading comments right here …that there are some “real” crackpots and wicked people within the paranormal community. Seriously …some take battling for the Holy Grail of evidence too far and the absence of a clear mind is incontestable.

Threats have been made, evidence invented and stones have been thrown and for what reason (s)? To dethrone a ghost empire and be considered for the next unconvincing paranormal show? Laughable and cynical.

Seriously, if you think for one second (because of your significant ghost hunting skills) that you’ll be standing tall next to Jason Hawes or Zak Bagans hunting ghosts, then I’d like to show you my collection of W.M.D.S buried in my backyard next to where I entombed Saddam.

Team on team attacks!

These range in nature and severity from smear campaigns to theft of equipment and even identity.

In recent days, I have received credible information about one reformed person who has a long criminal record (many felonies) and he is a founder of paranormal team located in Tennessee. The sender (person who provided me with this information) insisted on my exploiting this paranormal gangsta and I refused! Why? Because the sender (in my opinion) is another paranormal screwball looking to hitch his wagon to the Scifake Goodness train! In addition, it’s also my opinion the sender is begrudging the success of his adversary and contacting scifake was for ALL the wrong reasons and I refuse to be part of his harebrained fishing expedition.


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