Monthly Archives: January 2011

Jason Hawes: Grant’s cousin (Chad Ray Stilson) is home safe!

On January 31, 2011, in Featured, by RonTebo Literally, I just received a text from Mr. Hawes announcing Grant’s cousin 12 yr old Chad Ray Stilson just walked in the door and is home safe!!! This is a perfect example … Continue reading

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Scientology’s grand Melbourne opening

SECURITY was tight as hundreds of Scientologists and their guests gathered to open the controversial church’s new headquarters in Ascot Vale, Melbourne, on Saturday. All afternoon, a procession of well-dressed church members could be seen making their way to the … Continue reading


Are We Witnessing the Start of a Global Revolution?

An uprising in Tunisia led to the overthrow of the country’s 23-year long dictatorship of President Ben Ali. A new ‘transitional’ government was formed, but the protests continued demanding a totally new government without the relics of the previous tyranny. … Continue reading

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Schizoids and militants. Describes half (if not more) of the paranormal investigators.

I have been part of scifake for over two years and I have learned through research, reading emails, reading comments right here …that there are some “real” crackpots and wicked people within the paranormal community. Seriously …some take battling for … Continue reading

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Hawes (TAPS) is rattled by missing girl alleged hoax.

Foremost …this is not about TAPS, the collar tug or Ghost Hunters. It’s about the alleged exploitation of a child and Jason Hawes helping Scifake spread the word about this abominable hoax. Put your personal feelings aside about Ghost Hunters and let’s … Continue reading

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Poll probes Americans’ belief in UFOs, life on other planets

Most Americans say it is very likely or somewhat likely that humans are not alone in the universe and that intelligent life exists on other planets. Only a third of adults, however, believe it’s either very likely or somewhat likely … Continue reading

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Is she missing? Or, a heinous hoax by a paranormal team seeking a chance at TV?

Editor’s Notes: If this information is correct (appears to be), this may be the most disturbing story ever reported by scifake and a HUGE slap in the face to ALL parents who reported a child missing. This story reminds me of the … Continue reading

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To mouldily go: Star Trek home invaded by fungus

By Dan Martin Clean me up, Scotty! While Star Trek’s heroes battled aliens and intergalactic villains, sci-fi fan Tony Alleyne has been waging a war on mould and fungus. He said the flat he converted into a replica of a … Continue reading

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Anonymous Declaration of Freedom

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New Bigfoot Image Cut Down by Occam’s Razor

By Bigfoot, science, investigation, LiveScience’s Bad Science Columnist posted: 16 December 2009 09:12 am ET A photograph captured on a trail camera in the Minnesota woods has some people suggesting that Bigfoot has once again been filmed. In October, brothers Casey and … Continue reading