Noose Closes Around Pro-Wikileaks Vigilantes

Operation Payback is facing a little payback of its own. First Twitter closed the pro-Wikileaks hacker movement’s account. And now we hear the Feds are shutting down some online discussion of Operation Payback attacks.

Some sites have received federal court orders to cease any further online documentation of the attacks, which targeted Visa, Mastercard and other financial companies who froze Wikileaks accounts, a source close to the situation tells us. Among the sites where content is coming down is Encyclopedia Dramatica, which we’re told received one of the orders. The 4chan-affiliated reference wiki within the past hour had the number three Google hit for a search on “Operation Payback.” It has since deleted its article, though the entry remains accessible via Google cache (NSFW). Here’s what it looks like now (click to enlarge):


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