Atheist group kicks off new bus campaign

The atheist group behind last year’s controversial transit ads suggesting “there’s probably no God” is rolling out a new set of posters on buses that places Allah beside Bigfoot and Christ beside psychics.

The new posters bear the slogan: “Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence” with Allah, Bigfoot, UFOs, homeopathy, Zeus, psychics and Christ listed below.

They will hit Vancouver buses after they debut in Toronto, said Justin Trottier, of the Centre for Inquiry, an atheist organization. The ads will also run on buses in Ottawa, Montreal Calgary and Saskatoon.

Trottier said scientists have made extraordinary statements to explain evolution, but their beliefs are backed by evidence. The previous ads — “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” — angered both atheists and theists, for different reasons.

About a quarter of Canadians said they didn’t believe in any God in a 2008 poll on religion.

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