Monthly Archives: October 2010…

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Is UFO/ET Activism Again On The Rise?

Once and awhile I run across something so absurd, so stupid that I simply must comment on it. In the early 1990’s Operation Right To Know (ORTK) began a series of UFO/ET demonstrations and other forms of activism. We started with a demonstration … Continue reading

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I’m in dire straights, almost …

I’m in dire straights, almost out of coffee!

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I’d say, bad science writiing …

I’d say, bad science writiing comes from ignorence.

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Daniel Montalvo want out!

A nice little Internet  melodrama has erupted over 19 year old David Montalvo and Scientology. David was a tee age member of the Sea Org, that part of Scientology which signs a lifetime service contract,…. so  sorry; A BILLION YEAR SERVICE CONTRACT!!!! In … Continue reading

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Stunning News from IGHS!

One of the few Yahoo sites I still look at is published by  my good friends at, “Dr’s” Dave and Sharon Oester. Most of it is typical hyperbolic nonsense. “Dr.s’” Dave and Sharon really love to tell people how they … Continue reading

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