Daniel Montalvo want out!

A nice little Internet  melodrama has erupted over 19 year old David Montalvo and Scientology. David was a tee age member of the Sea Org, that part of Scientology which signs a lifetime service contract,…. so  sorry; A BILLION YEAR SERVICE CONTRACT!!!! In other words, this young man like many others signed his entire life into servitude when he was a child.

Apparently David came to his senses and realized that the rest of the civilized world does not endure100 hour work weeks at pennies per hour, screaming management, bad food,horrible lodging, mental and physical abuse (if one believes nearly everyone coming out of the Sea Org.)

Well, according to the tale now weaving its way across the Internet, David got out, hooked up with some folks who helped him out, he parents and some lawyer convinced  tricked  him into coming back and sighing some papers, they had him arrested for swiping some hard disks, he’s now sitting in jail.

I can’t make this stuff up funnseekers!


Daniel Montalvo, 19, Leaves Scientology, Which Convinces LA Sheriff to Jail Him For It.

An amazing story is hitting the Internet today of 19-year-old Daniel Montalvo, a lifelong Scientologist who decided to leave the wacky cabal, only to find himself arrested by LA sheriff’s deputies and facing prison time for it.

The tale comes courtesy of Marty Rathbun, formerly one of the highest officials in Scientology who defected and has kept up a withering takedown of the “church” on his blog.

Rathbun writes for fellow ex-Scientologists, so there’s a lot of jargon and coded references in his writing. But here are the basics of what Rathbun reported.

Montalvo had grown up in Scientology and its most fanatical wing, the “Sea Org,” which requires members to sign billion-year contracts and promise to serve L. Ron Hubbard’s sci-fi cult, lifetime after lifetime.

As we’ve written many times before, life in the Sea Org is incredibly regimented and ascetic, with extremely low pay, long hours, and even meager food. Members tend to be tenaciously loyal to the organization, but many eventually have flameouts, some spectacularly so.


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