Stunning News from IGHS!

One of the few Yahoo sites I still look at is published by  my good friends at, “Dr’s” Dave and Sharon Oester. Most of it is typical hyperbolic nonsense. “Dr.s'” Dave and Sharon really love to tell people how they discovered ghost hunting. Or like who would have thought back in 1996 that those newfangled digital cameras would BE the cameras of the future. Most of us technologically inept boobs thought that they would never NEVER catch on! Whew; I’m so glad the Osters are around to enlighten us on these … er FACTS!

“This is not the first time we have led the field in promoting new technology that evolved into a new paradigm. This new paradigm shift occurred when the IGHS started teaching that digital cameras were the cameras of the future, while the holdouts of the old paradigm still promoted film chemistry cameras. Other ghost groups bashed us as we promoted digital cameras in ghost investigations, but the new paradigm became the standard for ghost photography. Today all of these ghost groups have shifted to using digital technology for ghost investigations and claiming they were the first to promote digital technology as they step on others to be king of the hill.”

What really knocked me for a loop (other than the wacky time of the week this was posted. Normally “Dr’s” Dave and Sharon post on Saturday, here it is Monday and a new post!) This paragraph by “Dr” Sharon really caught my eye. It looks like they are failing out with someone and never being a couple to try and reduce drama, they published this –

We were recently involved with a person who claimed she’d been psychic all of her life. When we went out into the field she would tell us what she allegedly felt and tried to guide us to where she felt we needed to be. I found myself doing the same thing that I’ve always done; I listened to myself, my feelings. I followed those feelings rather than depending on someone else because of past experience. We learned that the person with us was a fraud on every front. Her claims of being a super psychic were as phony as she was in every aspect of her life. I tend to stay with what I know and what has worked best for me in the past. In this case, I was correct to listen to my gut feelings and not depend on the alleged impressions of someone else.

Now fun-seekers; I don’t know exactly who “Dr” Sharon is talking about but I DO know that if it is you-know-who she’s going to completely nuts, than blame yours truly. From that “super-psychic” reference, I’d guess “Dr’s” Sharon and Dave are trying to kill two birds with one roc so to speak. I mean, it’s not like they were not trying to rebut some of the things on the wiki entry about them. It is also true that somebody has been trying to thrust  “her” and us  together for the past year or so. I’ll pretend not to have noticed and I will pretend this didn’t happen coz after all, I am the nice one!

As Lord Rick said once,” she is stupid enough to fall for this.”

We shall have to see, I tend to go with my gut feelings too, just like “Dr” Sharon. My gut says we are due for a lolcano eruption very soon, courtesy of the Osters. If so, exactly who were you going to throw under the bus for it….hmmm?

Thanks guys, we will get back to you later!


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