Missy Wants Attention

OK, I’ve been trying to put this one on “ignore and forget.” But I can’t anymore. I know she’s a troll, I know she’s just trying to get attention so she can tell people how persecuted she is, how much a victim she is. She was really not worth our time.

We also were doing a favor for someone. one of our “friends” asked us to lay off on  her. “she seems kind of unstable, ” he said,”she can’t take any criticism and it would be like dropping a bomb on a baby duck.”

So in deference to that  we didn’t mention her, not that we didn’t want to. Not that we didn’t have a really REALLY good reason to.

but our friend changed his mind recently.  “I guess it doesn’t matter’  he said , “- she’s going to blame whomever is convenient so who cares at this point?” You can’t leave her alone because SHE simply cannot leave things alone ether.”

OK Missy, you have my attention, happy?

Missy is a thirty-something woo-woo living  in New Mexico with her husband “hubby” and her cat “Jukebox.” Other than her strange online behavior there is nothing significant about her. She’s had a a few minor brushes with the law,  gotten kicked off of a large number of free internet resources, mostly for invasion of privacy and other such simple violations of providers Terms of Service.

Missy apparently got picked on back in  elementary school because she behaved like a tard most of the time.  When she discovered the Internet,  she discovered the shocking concept that behaving like a tard on the Internet will get her picked on here too. Missy’s research and deduction skills are awesome!

She’s had a few run ins with Anonymous and various other entities. She has managed to close down several old west discussion boards just by being annoying. Her pattern is much the same each time. She makes some absurd declaration, like for example that Santa is a real person or that she’s married to the ghost of Billy the Kid. Somebody asks for proof.   She insults them and claims they should just take her word for it.  They insult her back, she begins dropping dox and screaming about stalkers, calls the police, calls the users’ ISP, calls the FBI, claims she is going to commit suicide and buys  better curtains.

(her cat doesn’t like dogs so that’s out ) She has been doing this for freaking years to a multitude of people.

Why do we care? Well because Missy is trying to blame the Odd Empire for stuff we have  nothing to do with for going back almost a decade, (we first heard of her in 2009.) She cannot see a connection between her behavior and the way people treat her. Missy’s behavior is exactly like Lord Rick. In fact they were best friends for a while until their relationship imploded I don’t blame her for that. Lord Rick is almost a bigger tard than Missy … almost.

Now she thinks the Odd Empire is responsible for EVERYONE who’s ever given her grief on line or even In Real Life.  Even when she was a little kid. She has gone out of her way to try and shut down the Odd Empire for the past year, she’s been harassing our staff and ex staff members.  And she thinks this is OK, because we are skeptics.

Skeptics shouldn’t be allowed to live you see.

Seriously! You should see all of the death threats she posts on Facebook.

She thinks the Odd Empire is responsible for $80 million dollars in losses she says. Millions! Hah!! She’s responsible for BILLIONS of US Dollars in redecorating fees at the Odd Empire. People have been spewing with laughter in the Imperial Palace so much we had to replace all of the fine gilded wallpaper. What a pain that was! I’d better bill her!

I didn’t know I was so mighty. I’ll have to stick “Missy-bane” at the end of my name now, and re-order all my business cards. (Whoa! More expense. Pay-up bitch!)

Sorry to disappoint you Missy, I’m only responsible for what happens here. I’m not in charge of your life and I don’t want to be.

But here we are! Brace yourself Missy, you wanted this! You begged me to do this.

Enjoy your stay toots!


Run the clock back a couple of years, Lord Rick was just getting into his first  podcast phase, before he got booted off of NowLive. He had a guest named “Missy” who would call in from time to time. This Missy person said a bunch of crazy stuff (about not wearing underwear for one thing,) but Lord Rick said a bunch of crazy sounding shit too. It was like listening to a chorus at a jackass convention.

Except there was no chorus.

They seemed to feed off of each other though, like a couple of demented moray eels, sucking the blood to see who could be the most paranoid, the most crazy sounding. It was fun to watch if you are a voyeur of nutball-tards, which I happen to be sometimes, why do you think I’m the Odd Emperor?

But even I lost track after a while, frankly Lord Rick became  solidly boring.  Missy was just a crazy sounding lady whom thought everyone was out to get her and claimed she was having romantic relationships with dead people. I stopped listening  and moved on to other things. Other than, a couple of people called me to say she was running around calling employers at the behest of Lord Rick and trying to get people fired.

That’s dirty pool funseekers!

Now, a year  later I noted  that a lot of information was popping up on the Odd Empire Wiki, a couple of apparent “fans” of Missy were adding data and they contacted me. Someone named “Bandersnach,” (cool name!) He (I think it’s a he) told me a few things about Missy’s history on the Interwebs. Like she was once known as “Can Chaser Kate.” The other person was “Missy Fan,” she told me a few things too.

I had not realized Missy was so .. famous!

Then my Odd Emperor sense starts tingling, (not to mention my logs began showing her hitting the site over and over again.)  So I begin checking around.

Yeppers!  It looked like Missy actually saw the Wiki page and was freaking about it.  Not only that, she started to respond! Not in a reasonable way mind you. I mean; HELLO!!! IT IS A WIKI AFTER ALL! She could like edit out the stuff she didn’t care for.

No, she started posting threats on a Free Missy Ghost Busting pages – then she posted dox. She vandalized sections of the Wiki. Then she posted threats and dox.

Not a good combination.

So we had her free pages yanked down.  She screamed. She yelled. She screamed and yelled. She threatened suicide, a further attempt of harassment. I’ve been told she does this all  the time.

Moonbat was employing the old adage,the clearest definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, Missy tried again,  on her public Facebook ghost busting page. On other free web pages –  We had those removed too. Then she started creating “bash de- Odd Emperor pages on her favorite free hosting services. We had those ditched, but not before we made copies.

Bash the Odd Emperor and the Wisemen.

The Odd Emperor Exposed

(We deleted the dox from those BTW.  Read them, This is a look into Missy’s mind!) We ended up killing like SIX web pages of hers, all because she could not follow the rules..Tisk-tisk-tisk – pity poo!

I honestly don’t know what she expected to get out of this. However, other than getting this crap removed WE IGNORED HER!!! Really I don’t have time to deal with a whacked out middle aged woman who thinks she has a romantic relationship with the ghost of Billy the Kid  I don’t have the patience to deal with a adult who thinks Santa Claus is real (I am not making  any of this up.)

I don’t have time to worry about people who are so far gone  that they think harassing people will make them go away.  I don’t have time for people who honestly believe The Odd Empire and Ebaum’s World created Anonymous. (Again, I’m not making this up – she really believes that.  )

I don’t have time for people who say shit like this.

” He has a Restraining Order against him and his band of Tools, from the Church of Scientology for constant harassment.Well, I stand with them, and am ready to join the fight to bring down the “Odd Emperor.”

You STAND with Scientology!? Let me know how that works out for you!

Let me be perfectly clear, Scientology is an organization who’s published goal is get Hubbard training to everyone whether they want it or not! They think anyone who was ever on anti-psychotic drugs to be damaged goods and can’t get high level training.

If you can’t take training, if you are gay, or think Hubbard just made shit up (like a fiction writer which is truly what he was.) you are to be “disposed of without pity.” THAT IS WHAT THEY REALLY BELIEVE!

That means YOU Missy! You are on some list of their’ s as a PTS type III. That means should they ever come to power they would (according to their scriptures) “dispose of you without pity.” They phreaking PLEDGE to do this anytime they take a course in that organization!

You claim to be a big time researcher but you don’t seem to understand the simple facts about the “people you stand with.”

You need to find a better bus stop lady! A bunch of drunken skinheads and Lord Rick would be better company.

Also that “restraining order ” is not a restraining order  and it’s not about me anyway! You didn’t even bother to read it.


Recently, this fell into the bejeweled Odd Empire transom.

Hello oddemperor@oddempire.org,

Thanks for leaving a comment on http://northnmspiritresearch.webs.com/apps/auth/redirect?inviteID=60328468&hash=173934b9d98683138176168efe69cc7d&action=respond&next=!

Would you like to contribute, share thoughts with other site members and receive occasional email updates on site activity?  If so, then click here to join: http://northnmspiritresearch.webs.com/apps/auth/confirm?inviteID=60328468&hash=173934b9d98683138176168efe69cc7d&action=accept

Looking forward to seeing you back on the site.

–  (Missy’s dox removed) because I am the nice one.

Uh – OK! That looked like it was from one of Missy Missy’s ghost busting sites.  I didn’t know what that was about. Somebody was playing games.

I  went ahead and registered anyway. I found that somebody had commented on her ghost page, then stuck my email in the address blank. (Anyone could do that, it was a pretty lame site.)   The comment looked harmless, really the site seemed dead anyway. I thought, what the hey? Perhaps Missy would come to her senses and behave like a human being, not like a baboon-with-a- keyboard. Besides, I have this funny idea that communications can solve any dispute.

That’s a Scientology concept BTW, one that I happen to agree with.

– No such luck! Here is how Missy responded.

From my Website.

DO NOT EVER Attempt to make any kind of Contact with me again.
You are Not Welcome at my Website, You are Not Welcome in my life.
LEAVE ME ALONE! This begins Immediately.
REMOVE Every Shred of Everything from your Website about me and FORGET I
If you Do Not, I will be in Contact once again with my Attorney and File
Orders against you.

– (dox removed)

I mean seriously, WTF!  I was being nice to her and look what she says!

This is how we responded.

WHAT? You INVITE me to sign up to your stupid ghost group, then you threaten me? Who in the flipping frigg do you think you are?

You’re that crazy woman that’s going all around the Internet making death threats to all kinds of folks right? You are not in a position to make demands of me or anyone else. You think that you can make me dump an entire web page just because you are offended by it? All the while you are dropping dox all over the place, making death threats and libeling people? What planet do you come from?

I’ll say this once, nobody from the Odd Empire has ever stalked you, looking at a web page is not stalking {Missy . Nobody really gives a damn about you or your mangy cat. Going around collecting phone numbers and stuff like that, then publishing them without permission is stalking (Missy) and that’s what you do. Grow up! IF you need something from us, this is not the way to go about it. You can always contact me and if you are polite we will not call you a fat, useless, insane blimp which is apparently what you are.

Oh yes, your house is bugged (Missy), so is your underwear.

Have fun, have a great evening and give my regards to your lawyer.

The Odd Emperor

Not my kindest response to be sure, I was feeling testy that night. Of course she could not leave things as they were noooo! She threatened to sic Sue on me.

They always do that!

I NEVER Invited you to come to My Site! That is Truth. You are just twisting
the Truth again and the Crap that you spew is Full of it.
So Shove it and DON’T EVER speak to me nor come near myself or my family
REMOVE EVERYTHING because my Attorney has been contacted!
REMOVE the Monbat Page or I Sue. It is that Simple!

I wonder what she’s going to sue for?  And go near her family, never done it and don’t want to! (brrrr!) Anyway, here is how we responded.

Oh good god (Missy)!

You are not in a position to threaten me, your site is a public free site, anyone can look at it. Do you believe differently? That’s not my problem. I can go where I like on the Internet just like you do. Have I demanded that you not look at my page? That’s because to do so would be stupid and I don’t like to be stupid.

You did indeed invite me to register on your free page.  You can be denial all you like but facts are facts.

Anyway, you want me to delete the Missy page on the Odd Empire? Request refused! Why should I do that? Several people collaborated on that page and I think it’s pretty funny. Also it’s not about anyone in particular unless you think it’s about you ? in which case I’d say you may have a problem. I see you publishing a lot of private information without permission with the intent to place people under duress. In simple language Melissa, you are trying to stalk and bully people, stop it.

BTW, who is Sue? A friend of yours? Have your lawyer contact mine please. (leo_shyster@oddempire.org)  If you get off on making threats and bulling people then this will be interesting.

Have a great evening!

The Odd Emperor


Why do all tards capitalize the word sue? Lord Rick did the same thi… never mind! She responded with an old standby –

Go to Hell and CEASE All Contact with me or my family, friends and/or
Associates – Starting Now!

– (Missy’s dox removed)


Oh stop being such a baby! “Go to hell” ? sheeze! What are you – ten years old? As for your associates, your friends etc. Don’t be silly! I can speak to whomever I like, what are you going to do? Try to scare me with your lawyer or or sic Sue on me? Don’t make me laugh I’ve half a mind to call “your lawyer” myself to see if he’s ever heard of you.

You seem to think you can bluff or bully your way out of any situation don’t you? Has it gotten you anywhere? What about Bond or Missy Fan? They are still around you know (and I’m not either of them ? you must know that!)

From where I sit, you seem to live a fearful, wrecked life. I hear you are very sweet in person, but you come across as a lunatic on line, that’s not just my opinion by the way. You would be surprised at the people I’ve spoken to.

It’s a free country (Missy) and you can’t banish folks by trying to bully and harass them. You can’t make people go away after stalking them and trying to get others to stalk for you. You can’t sway people by talking about suicide or threatening to harm them. You can’t make people forget about you by harassing them. If you want to go on and forget about us, you are free to do so. Remember; you started this conversation and I am free to answer you.

You think I’m a bad person? I’m a pussycat compared with some people out there. You keep trying to get my attention;  now you have it. Congratulations! You are attracting a lot more than just my attention, but I know you would not listen if I tried to warn you. So I do what I can, I bid you a good night.

PS, I really AM an alien, a nasty one too!


The Odd Emperor


She of course replied…

Keep digging ass hole.
You are in trouble for sending me a False Doc.
I was Not even on the Puter at the time you claim I sent that.
I was on far later than that because of going into town at that hour.
My Attorney has been contacted and Papers will be Filed.
I ordered you NOT to communicate with me – now CEASE and DESIST!


Oh Oh Puleeze!

You emailed me an invitation, then you emailed me a message entitled”you have been deleted” which is the one I’m answering now. “I was away from my “puter?” You think I’m going to believe that? Come on!

You email me, I have the right to answer you. It’s as simple as that.

How about this, stop emailing ME you stupid cow. And while you are at it, stop making death threats, stop making threats of bodily harm, stop stalking people, stop trying to intimidate folks by pretending to be suicidal, stop publishing personal information without permission (that’s a real crime in your state BTW,) stop cyber stalking, (another real crime) stop asking other people to stalk for you, stop bullying people and stop playing the victim when you are the worst stalker I’ve ever met.

Go to bed Missy, your dead cowboy awaits!

The Odd Emperor

Then she went silent for about twenty four hours. except for some nattering on her absurd Facebook account. _

(dox removed) I think I figured out oddy’s Secret of whom I am REALLY dealing with. I think and believe that I am directly dealing with the shade of Bob Ollinger, a.k.a. (DOX REMOVED). Same Angry no good, no account loser as last life around. His last life Mom said he was Angry and Mean, Cradle to Grave, that he needed killing. That Billy should well have had a Medal pinned on him.

And an anti-bulling group she  belongs to – speaking of wanting attention!

Even more Antics from the Bully.
He keeps E Mailing him and I have told him to back off and cease all contact with me. It should have ceased after only one E Mail telling him he had been deleted from ym Website and to cease contact with me.
Then he sent me a Forged Doc saying I invited him, which is not only Not the Truth, but is a complete and total Fabrication.
I have already said I have contacted my Attorney and He Refuses to believe that and Refuses to back off.
I am at the end of my leash.
If something is not done soon, I am going to snap and end up killing himself or myself, or Murder Suicide.
I am soon to come to the exhaustion of all Legal Resources and options.
I don’t know how much farther that I can be pushed or how much more I can take.

She pulls that suicide stuff whenever she thinks things are going against her. But I wonder if she understands the ramifications of the direct threats of bodily harm and that sort of thing? I’m sure there will be more, whether I ignore her or not, Missy-Moonbat is going to keep-on keeping on. That’s what she does and I do what I do.

She’s contacted me at least two times since then, and other people apparently. From her blathering she seems to think that I’ve evaporated and “forgotten” about her. Blarg!- how in the hell can I forget about her when she keeps rattling my cage? WTF does she expect me to do?

Here is a lot more information on Missy-Moonbat, courtesy of Bandersnatch, Missyfan, Darkknight, The Joker some other people and of course, Your’s Truly.

(edit – my WIKI was abandoned a long time ago. I got tired of deleting the utter nonsense that was popping up like daily. But somebody put a dozy of a writ-up here!  )

Share and enjoy!

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10 Responses to Missy Wants Attention

  1. Missy Fan says:


    Hello, Melissa…

    Dum dum DUMMM.

  2. RentALawyer says:

    Well done! There are some things you just can not fix or make right. This may be one of them.

  3. “Go to bed Melissa, your dead cowboy awaits!” = EPIC LOL.

    Whenevar Moonbat is mentioned, my memory harkens of a time when she and Lord Rick had a talk in his show about their sexual fantasies.

    In retrospect, I apologize for implanting that in your mind.

    On the other hand, now you suffer too. LOL!

  4. Oh my fewaking gods! Why did you do that! Now I have to gargle with Jim Beam for the full half hour! Thanks bub!

  5. The Mysterious Machine says:

    Well done indeed Odd! I wonder what ‘Hubby’ thinks of all this attention she’s thrown your way. Scary that people like her exist,what a nut…

  6. I don’t think Hubby even knows what’s going on. I imagine him to be a sort of silent, abused spouse who’s “lucky to have married someone like Moonbat” If some of the letter’s she’s written are any indication, Moonbat would throw him out of his home the moment he gets out of line. She’s completely dominant n the relationship I would guess. They live on some kind of public assistance or Hubby works as a newspaper delivery person or something like that. She spends all day at home wringing her hands about the latest net drama she created and plotting REVENGE! It’s a pretty useless lifestyle. You know she reads this page, obsessively. She will deny it of course but my logs say otherwise.

  7. The Mysterious Machine says:

    I believe you are correct. Poor Jack Spratt probably never had a chance,though it takes a certain individual I’d think to put up with her in the first place. She must have been his first date. If people like her and Lold Dick put half as much effort into improving their lives as they do creating drama,they’d be so much better off. But you know what they say,”Idle hands are the devil’s tools”. What a life…

    *waves to Moonbat*

  8. In the past she’s publicly complained about her husband “beating her up.” I’d suspect this is like her accusing all sorts of people stalking when they disagree with her. Any dissent on his part is met with an almost reflexive “your beating me up” kind of statement, probably calls to the police and the whole nine yards. It’s classic passive aggressive abusive behavior. I think she really needs help, but there is no way that an outsider can suggest such a thing to her without being branded stalker or worse. It has to come from her family, I hope it does before she gets even more out of hand.

  9. Code Poet says:

    She’s like a train wreck waiting to happen, you really don’t want to watch it but you just can’t believe what you are seeing and you can’t look away. She’s mentally ill and needs psychiatric help which I gleam from prior postings of hers she has had and suffered from at some point (IOW an inept doctor that may very well have abused his position and likely abused her as well).

    Picking on her in akin to picking on a child. If you ignore her long enough she will go away…really, she will.

  10. Well, the only reason we paid attention to her in the first place is because she came out of left field on Lord Rick’s podcast and started making threats. He set her up on purpose BTW, he has said so in so many words.

    This blog entry was published as a direct result of Moonbat sending registered letters to members of my staff and their employers demanding that they get fired and devoiced. I haven’t published those yet and I may never, the sheer gall of them is unbelievable. However, the point is that we were leaving her alone and she harassed anyway. The feeling around here is that if she continued, we would step up publishing exactly what we think of her and let the “Streisand Effect” work for us. She has more or less backed off after the police were called on her, we are in a more or less wait and see mode as far as Moonbat is concerned. She might want to stop publishing photos of herself waving guns around and promising to kill people.

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