Umm…James baby!

Psst! James Gilliland thinks The Colbert Report is a serious news show. I won’t tell him if you don’t!

“Leslie Kean on Colbert Report

Colbert really established his character and wisdom concerning UFOs and
Disclosure in the interview with Leslie Kean who held her own despite what
looked like a hatchet job. She is a seasoned and professional investigative
reporter. I am seeing everyone jump on the bandwagon now to establish
credibility with the mainstream press. Many ufologists are saying we are not
saying they are aliens they are back-engineered UFOs built by our own black
projects. Guess what, back engineering UFOS means they got their hands on ALIEN
SHIPS. This makes it a mute point as to whether some of the ships are alien, off
world or inner Earth technologies.

Newsflash the mainstream press has no credibility. The politicians are right
behind them and how does one become credible by being accepted by those with a
long track record of no credibility? Where is the logic? Why wait for a
government with a long track record of disinformation and lies to tell us the
truth? Seriously reason this, why get approval from liars and thieves, those
with a long history of covering up ufos? My other question is with the
disinformation, misinformation, and infiltration into the UFO community how can
one wade through all the nonsense to make any sense of the enigma? The program
is keep it in the past, far, far away some distant ambiguous light, or make it
threatening and fearful. There is also keep the question unanswered, leave it
hanging till the next show.

God forbid we have the answer, have had the answer for years and years yet those
with the answer are censored because the good old boys club does not want to be
usurped. Why not stand your ground, we know there are alien ships along with the
back-engineered alien ship. Why let those who are ignorant and lacking in
character bully you into not standing up for what you believe!”

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