Monthly Archives: July 2010

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-26

So, when you her the phrase #stupidscientology everybody scream! # "Somebody some day will say 'this is illegal.' By then be sure the orgs say what is legal or not." – L. Ron Hubbard, #stupidscientology # Saying Scientology is stupid … Continue reading

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Tea-Baggers Fall For Fake Onion Story

An old video from The Onion revealing a hyperbolic martial law bill was recently rediscovered by conservatives, and began to pop up on right-wing Facebook walls.Congratulations tea-baggers, you fell for a 3-year-old joke. [[[MORE]]] [[[MORE]]]

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The new Inquisition

Telegraph View: The law has established a climate within which pettiness flourishes to the detriment of any common sense. A councillor faces suspension for dismissing Scientology as “stupid”; another is convicted of racial harassment for calling a colleague a coconut; … Continue reading

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#stupidscientology “We’re play…

#stupidscientology “We’re playing for blood, the stake is EARTH.” – L. Ron Hubbard.

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Saying Scientology is stupid i…

Saying Scientology is stupid is a gross redundancy. #stupidscientology

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“Somebody some day will say ‘t…

“Somebody some day will say ‘this is illegal.’ By then be sure the orgs say what is legal or not.” – L. Ron Hubbard, #stupidscientology

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So, when you her the phrase #s…

So, when you her the phrase #stupidscientology everybody scream!

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UFO over Hangzhou, China: a long exposé

“An unidentified flying object (UFO) disrupted air traffic over Zhejiang’s provincial capital Hangzhou late on Wednesday [July 7], the municipal government said on Thursday. Xiaoshan Airport was closed after the UFO was detected at around 9 pm, and some flights … Continue reading

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U.S. Atheists Reportedly Using Hair Dryers to ‘De-Baptize’

American atheists lined up to be “de-baptized” in a ritual using a hair dryer, according to a report Friday on U.S. late-night news program “Nightline.” Leading atheist Edwin Kagin blasted his fellow non-believers with the hair dryer to symbolically dry up … Continue reading

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Why Do Anonymous Geeks Hate Scientologists?

NYU professor Gabriella Coleman opened this profoundly profanity laced academic talk with a question: why have internet enthusiasts been drawn to denounce Scientology so vehemently for two decades? Scientology, she explained, has provided a perfect nemesis for geekery. To the … Continue reading

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