Monthly Archives: June 2010

Military training offshore could explain Wrightsville Beach UFO report

By Julian March Published: Monday, June 28, 2010 at 6:54 p.m. Last Modified: Monday, June 28, 2010 at 6:54 p.m. The anonymous report submitted to the Mutual UFO Network describes a sighting on June 22. The group of nine … Continue reading


The Church of Scientology does not want you to see L. Ron Hubbard’s woman-hatin’ book chapter

By Alan Scherstuhl, Monday, Jun. 21 2010 @ 8:00AM The trouble with having a religion founded by a crazy writer is that crazy writers tend to write crazy shit. Traditionally, the Church of Scientology has handled this by making access to the … Continue reading

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Denial of UFOs’ existence is ‘Cosmic Watergate’: Nuclear physicist

Washington, June 9 (ANI): An American nuclear physicist has labelled the denial of UFOs‘ existence by the government as the “the biggest story of the millennium”, insisting that the presence of alien spaceships has secretly been acknowledged since 1947. “Some UFOs are … Continue reading

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Animal mutilations linked to UFOs says Walsall man

A Walsall man has told BBC WM that aliens and UFOs are responsible for a string of animal attacks in the UK. Mike Freebury, a member of the Animal Pathology Field Unit, has investigated the mystery of ‘cattle mutilations’ for … Continue reading

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US rocket launch sparks Australia UFO frenzy

SYDNEY — A bright spiralling light, believed by astronomers to be a rocket launched from Cape Canaveral, was spotted in skies across Australia’s east coast just before dawn Saturday, sparking a UFO frenzy. Described by some witnesses as a “lollipop-type … Continue reading

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Your Fake Degree.

There has been a trend around some parts of the paranormal biz of late. An increasing number of people seem to be claiming that they have fairly high level degrees. When examined, however the “degrees” turn out to be from … Continue reading

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Roswell May Pull The Plug On Funding For UFO Festival ROSWELL, N.M. (June 1, 2010)—The City Council in Roswell, N.M., may end funding for the community’s annual UFO Festival, which celebrates the supposed crash of a flying saucer near the town in the late 1940s. The festival includes a … Continue reading

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