Cults should be given nowhere to hide


March 21, 2010

Despite criminal investigations, these groups continue unfettered.

THE recent evidence of the psychological harm caused by religious cults could not be more graphic.

On ABC TV’s Four Corners, Liz and James Anderson told how their indoctrination in Scientology saw them part with hundreds of thousands of dollars buying the outpourings of guru L. Ron Hubbard. Eventually they also lost one of their daughters, signing guardianship to a Scientologist slave labour camp called Sea Org.

Today Tonight then revealed how a NSW-based Exclusive Brethren doctor, Mark Craddock, had chemically castrated a young man to suppress his sex drive because he was gay. When Today Tonight dared to film him with victim Craig Hoyle outside the Brethren headquarters, they were pursued around Sydney by cars full of young thugs who are facing criminal charges.


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One Response to Cults should be given nowhere to hide

  1. I don’t normally post to blogs but I enjoyed this post so keep up the good work. -cheers-

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