Monthly Archives: March 2010

Documentary Investigates Kecksburg UFO Site

(KECKSBURG, Pa.) – Something flew over Canada and a number of U.S. states on December 9, 1965, and landed near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. By many accounts it was a fireball, some described it as a four pointed star. They said it … Continue reading

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Scientology: A history of violence

Anderson Cooper | BIO AC360° Anchor This week we begin a four-part investigation into allegations made by a number of former high ranking members of the Church of Scientology. The allegations are about physical abuse they say took place within the … Continue reading

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Hi! I’m James! Send money!

My good friend James Gilliland is in dire straights. He needum fixumup at his “dope ranch” (Sorry, The Sativa Sanctuary.”) For gods sake people, send him money!!!! Dear Friends, In preparation for upcoming season and beyond we are in need of … Continue reading

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The Scent of Weakness

25 March 2010 Dogs have been trained to carry bombs to attack enemies for decades.  The Soviets and others have used dogs as low-tech smart bombs.  Yet canine platoons likely would rebel if they caught scent they were being duped … Continue reading

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Achtung! Health Care Panzers!

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Close Encounters of the Facial Kind:

Are UFO Alien Faces an Inborn Facial Recognition Template? by Frederick V. Malmstrom THE DESCRIPTIONS OF ALIEN FACES historically reported by UFO abduc tees are almost boringly uniform. Long before “close encounters” be came a catchword in the ufologist’s vocabulary, self-proclaimed … Continue reading

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More UFO alien sightings revealed

FIRST a woman photographed strange flying discs descending on a busy Sydney street – now Daily Telegraph Online reporter Dora Tsavdaridis has told how she spotted a UFO while on a beach holiday. Mother-of-two Fiona Hartigan captured the imagination of … Continue reading

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“Dr” Sharon Speaks!

“Dr.” Sharon is part of the “Drs.” Dave and Sharon Oester team over at They allegedly have lots of  followers and satisfied customers of their many books and courses on ghostbusting. I’ve only met one of their minions in … Continue reading

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Waiting for the end of the world: Georgia’s 30-year stone mystery

Elberton, Georgia (CNN) — In the beginning, there was the stone. The blue-gray vein of granite that courses through northeastern Georgia spawned jobs in the quarries and finishing sheds of Elberton, where generations of stonecutters have turned slabs of rock … Continue reading

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Cults should be given nowhere to hide

MICHAEL BACHELARD March 21, 2010 Despite criminal investigations, these groups continue unfettered. THE recent evidence of the psychological harm caused by religious cults could not be more graphic. On ABC TV’s Four Corners, Liz and James Anderson told how their indoctrination … Continue reading

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