Ode from Humanalien2

I get some strange stuff sometimes. This fellow tried to impress me with his prowess of the Internets by posting his entire 20 page manifesto on my shoutbox!

Note to users (like Lord Rick and this idiot.) Please use my shoutbox for short HOWYA DOING kind of messages and just email me if you need to send my the secrets of the universe KA?


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Coming Human Aliens
Part Two The Message
By Don Ray Walton
Please Note
That this message you are about to read will not be revealed as fact or fiction In order for those that read it to determine the real truth by the gift of there own free will. Our main goal is to let you, the audience, make the decision and decide whether or not you choose to accept the knowledge by your reasoning alone. By the power of reason you can determine the truth of the matter by the matter in question. The answer is the truth behind the question. The question here is what is the Truth? To exist is to have purpose. To be of purpose you must have a reason for your existence in the first place.
I wonder how long from that date would it take for our Solar System to reach the center of our Galaxy in which therefore lies a giant black holes event horizon a billion times the size of our sun just what do you think could end time in our world other than stopping the whole solar system at once 2012 represents the last Day not a disaster on Earth think time will not end unless the world stops turning

Alien Message to Man End of Earth 2012, not yours or our fault
On May 18, 1980, your Solar System known to the aliens as Trysun, transpired, a planetary alignment, where all nine planets came into a direct and straight line causing a vertical imbalance of the first central core on earth to draw toward the gravitational pull of your Sun. During this time, a great force of pressure built within all nine planets central cores drawn by the gravity which gave an extreme pressure release known to mankind as a volcanic eruption.
Mount Saint Helen’s, Washington State, USA, on May 18 1980, was the eruption on this planet in the nine-planet array line up of volcanic eruptions on all the Planets in this Solar System, all the Planets went off at once; this turned your solar system into a giant rocket engine.
The volcano eruptions acted as retrorockets and your entire Solar System known to us as Trysun left its safety zones in your galaxy and headed directly for the center of your Galaxy which is a Giant black hole in space.
This event shortened the life spans of the human host populations of your planet Earth. By the year of 2012 your planet earth will be no more.

Read the rest of this freaking TL/DR mishmash here.

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