The Socorro UFO Hoax Exposed!

Getting Closer To The Culprits
by Anthony Bragalia
(Copyright © 2009 Anthony Bragalia)
Mr. Bragalia is a regular contributor to The UFO Iconoclast(s)

Posted: 11:48 October 5, 2009

New investigation reveals th

at the likely culprits behind the Socorro UFO hoax in 1964 were part of a highly secret group of student pranksters at NM Tech. It is now learned that so extreme were some of these Techie “pranks” during the 1960s that they even caused physical endangerment. One especially sophisticated UFO hoax at that time led to the severe reprimand by U.S. military base officials of a Techie whose prank had caused the emergency scrambling of jet interceptors! This intensely private group existed at the College under various code names and leaders for decades.

A co-conspirator to many hoaxes at the NM Tech in the 1960s now details the remarkable “flying saucers” that were created by students during that time- and how they were made. A former Techie prankster offers a stunning clue about the true nature of the “aliens” sighted by Officer Lonnie Zamora. Other “insider insight” provided by NM Tech alumni furthers the case that the Socorro UFO was one of the most extraordinarily engineered hoa

xes in history. This “extreme prankster” cabal reflects a technological “caper culture” that was unique in all the world and that has remained hidden- until now.


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