James calls for Harpoons, gets trolled!

Looks like James Gilliland, ex real estate broker – surfer dude and  frustrated guru has a problem. What might the problem be you ask? Well funseekers,  It’s very simple!

People won’t pay attention to James! Lots of people won’t pay attention t him. Heck! Not even a few people will pay even a moderate amount of attention to him. That’s gotta suck man!

Shocking! What manner of vile conspiracy could be creating such a calamitous occurrence?  When James happens to be living in the VERY EPICENTER OF UFO CONTACT!!!! Why James is the BIG CHEESE! He’s the main man, the human-alien prophet extraordinaire! Why James should be world famous, he should be able to write his own ticket, grasp the brass ring, rub the lamp and leap off the cliffs of insanity!

Well. maybe not that last one.

According to James and (ehm..) almost no one else, the freaking invasion from the stars or possible Uranus is happening RIGHT IN HIS OWN BACKYARD!!! Jeepers!

(OoH! I used three exclamation points, that make it special!)

But what is really happening?

How about I stop jabbering and lets allow James to tell it in his own words.

“Censorship or a convenient oversight?

ECETI has not been on Coast to Coast for over two years now and we are constantly asked why? When people such as Seth Shostack A.K.A. Mr. Disinformation come on regularly saying there is no evidence as well as other known disinformation agents with strong military intelligence ties one begins to wonder what happened to Coast to Coast?”

Who the heck is Seth Shostack? You perhaps mean Seth Shostak? Physicist, a PhD in  Astronomy, radio personality and the head astronomy muckety-muck for the SETI program? That Seth Shostak?

Not your phony-balony Enightned Contact with Extra Terrestrial Inteligences program or whatever you call it James. Dr. Shostak is head of the real Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. You know, that scientific program that actually looks at evidence, not just makes some up. I’m not saying you make stuff up James but really!

Anyway, James continues.

“We have ongoing contact, sightings, hundreds of hours of footage and are now an internationally known ufo hotspot. The visitation of Robbie Williams UK pop star, Paranormal State‘s airing of their visit with ufos appearing right on schedule caught on film, various news agencies, literally thousands of eye witnesses some of which are top physicists, pilots and internationally known lecturers and authors all seem to go unnoticed by Coast to Coast. We are getting flooded with emails asking why? The contacts are ongoing, the video, witnesses and pictures are accumulating yet why does C to C literally ignore ECETI?

Um, lets see. (ticking off reasons.) You have no evidence, and you have no evidence and, hurmm.. you have no evidence and lets see, um.. no evidence, you got a singer, you got some attention of a cheesy paranormal TV show, you come across slightly arrogant and you have no evidence.  That’s what I think.

But, what’s the real reason James?

Is it because the contacts are benevolent, extremely spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders? Have the disinformation agents shed a bad light on ECETI? Has the jealousy and arrogance of other ufologists painted ECETI in a bad light? Why has one of the most incredible well documented ufo hotspots been totally ignored by the UFO community in general? Is there really a ufo community and true seekers of the truth serving the people or has it become something else? I cannot speak for C to C yet we have made numerous attempts to welcome George and company with welcome arms to come and see for himself. We have also offered free of charge all the footage taken at the ranch. We have offered to come on C to C on numerous occasions and have been turned down or ignored altogether. Maybe it is time for the people to call in, email and ask why such an incredible ongoing event is altogether ignored.

Well I don’t know, perhaps people understand chicanery when they see it? I can put in in simpler language; people by and large know when they smell a rat. When they detect a fraud, when they see something that just ain’t so. Now I’m not saying you are a fraud James, I’m not saying anything about you. I’m just pointing out that people are not stupid (all the time) and just noodling around the Internet telling people you’ve contacted ET’s third cousin is just not the same as  even getting a good photo and believe me James, your photos are no good!

But, OK James; what should we do about this outrageous situation?

Here are the contact emails and the call in numbers.
Maybe it is time for the people to take an active part in ushering in contact with benevolent off worlders. The last intention experiment to initiate contact done by Art was a total success with calls and emails flooding the C to C offices. There were ships seen around the world and interactions. They are here, waiting to engage and it is up to us to invite them.

suggest a guest
Western US: 1-800-618-8255 (toll free)
Eastern US: 1-800-825-5033 (toll free)
First time caller: 1-818-501-4721
Wild Card line: 1-818-501-4109 (anyone can call)

International Instructions
Toll Free: (Sprint Direct Access Number)
1-800-893-0903 , Press Option 5

Anyway, after James posted this on one of his hugbox accounts, he followed up with this gem.

“Just did an interview with Lex and answered questions in the Coast to Coast Chat room. It went very well. Just before the interview I recieved the usual email calling me every name in the book with threats etc. I am considering posting these emails along with the email address of the ones sending them. Then let all the people who have been to the Sanctuary and have seen the investigations and
reports as well as footage respond flooding them with truth. Most of these people are misinformed, some have an agenda, some are unstable. Ususally I just delete these emails but maybe it is time to share some of the nonsense we have to deal with. On a positive note the ships are flying again. We have been getting a lot of new footage on the weekends. Who knows what goes on during the week
days. One day we will have the equipment and staff to monitor the area 24-7. There are lots of daylight sightings that are missed. These are the best for evidence because there is structure to be seen. The night sightings are more spectacular due to the light emanations from the ships. Gotta run be well James”

Oooh! I for one would like to see what people are saying about you James. Remember, there are far more people trolling you right now than are following you. That’s gotta get you right where it hurts! You should do something about it James! Come on! Publish those vile threats! It will make you feel better! Really!

Goodnight children, everywhere.

Share and enjoy!

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2 Responses to James calls for Harpoons, gets trolled!

  1. Missy Fan says:

    Gosh, James sounds familiar…he sounds quite like somebody i know of…somebody else who is paranoid, out of touch with reality, narcissistic, and just plain freakish. Oh, and who has no evidence. Damn! Who could that be???

    Cool–three question marks. It must be a special question. ; )

  2. Oh James is very special indeed. But to be fair, he’s got a good heart. James simply wants to be an American version of Billy Meier. There is nothing really wrong with that, other than Billy Meier is most certainly a fraud. I don’t think James fakes his photographs and movies. I don’t think that he’s taking films of spacecraft. He’s sincere about his beliefs I think. However sincerity is not a prerequisite for truth and how vigorously one defends ones beliefs is kind of a dead giveaway to how tenuous the evidence is. For it’s not really necessary to defend the truth. And I find it unnecessary to become defensive of the truth.

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