Stephan Colbert: Scientology’s New Galactic Overlord

I’m a little confused about this myself (not that this is the first time.) Stephan Colbert announced that because of a recent NASA poll to nominate names for the new ISS node. Serenity seems to be the number one pick (thanks no doubt to a harpoon party of a bunch of Brown Coats, Xenu the evil galactic overlord in Scientology’s “Incident II”  mythology to which no Scientology-member-may-utter-his-name because they pay lots of money to learn about him and … well it sounds stupid.

Anyway, the rest of us don’t really give a fig about Xenu or any other galactic overlord, so who in the heck got him into the number 2 suggested names?

Ooh!A quick look at answered that question;

It’s none other than the evil terrorist group Anonymous! You know! Those guys in masks dancing around in front of Scientology orgs, serving cake and leveling out butthurt to all who would be butthurt. Anonymous for his/her/its’ part made this response to the outrageous push by Colbert fans

Speaking of butthurt, I noticed this thread on Why We Protest, as if Scientology did not have enough problems, now they have moms showing up at their orgs asking to see their kids. (Actually this has been going on for decades not that anyone ever notices.)

However, I noticed a familiar face! There is a fellow who showed up on one of Shellback’s Clearwater videos who looks suspiciously like Frank Paolo.

Or perhaps being the racist pig that I am,  they all look alike to me! Anything is possible!

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