It’s all about….

Lord Rick of course! Who else? Oh yes and war news, Lord Rick declared his war of words with the Odd Emperor is officially over! he’s cool with the Odd Emperor. We don’t believe it yet, but we can wait and see. So …WAR OVER Yaaaaa!

On to other things!

Someone else is not so cool with Lord Rick,

Yes, We know that Lord Rick has had a very bad year in 2008. He had his very own “Grapes of Weed” adventure when he loaded all his personal belongings on a Rider truck, then went from Sunny Florida to Sunny California!

Dude! I could have told you those handbills extolling the virtues of California were fake!

Well Lord Rick is nobodies monkey’s uncle! He went to California expecting to be welcomed as the hero he believes he is. I imagine that Lord Rick thought they would hold a Mighty-Mouse kind of parade down main street, Lord Rick would be hoisted on the shoulders of his adoring public, or perhaps just seated on an ass with palm fronds flung in his path.

Well; being a Lord Rick plan this didn’t work out very well. The good denizens of bumfuck California didn’t appreciate yet another drugged-out fellow with no job, no job skills and no prospects living off of the fat of their fair city. Apparently they already had a bunch of people like that, who could have guessed?

WHAT? Even though Lord Rick has his own web page, lots of Yahoo groups, even an MSN group and podcasts on NowLive! Holy Shit! Lord Rick should have been an instant celebrity to those hicks in BF California, just like in Sunny Florida!

But he wasn’t!

Basically, Lord rick, god-man and Mullet Messiah went around threatening people and whining for handouts, getting pulled over by the cops, getting tossed out of hotels presumably for lack of payment, getting booted out of the town shelter for being (allegedly) a pain in the ass.  Then he even managed to piss off the local drug dealers so much, it seems one of them busted out all of the windows on his Subaru. He did take the opportunity to investigate the town park for a few weeks, that’s got to account for something!

Talk about ingrates! Those California hicks better learn who their messiah is! He might just up and leave!

And he did! After thoroughly investigating the city park, Lord Rick moved in with his in-laws who live in that bigger, brassiere version of BF California.

Las Vegas Nevada!

They put up with him for two solid months, then booted him out after he pissed off the family patriarch too much. How might you ask? By sitting on the Patriarch’s computer all day, eating all of his food, taking one-hour-showers then roaring up and down their quiet Vegas street in his shitty Subaru. Then Lord Rick managed to pick fight with the old geezer, and LOST! (To a 60 year old diabetic.) . How dare the old fart tell Lord Rick that he needs to stop sitting on his ass all day, palm fronds or no!  How ungrateful is that! They should have been HONORED to to have Lord Rick blessing in their fair home. Someday a brass marker will be affixed to the side of the house reading “Lord Rick once mooched here!”

So Lord Rick found himself investigating the streets again, but being a resourceful Ghost Buster, he found some suckers some friends to be his roommates in their home for a few months. (another brass marker…cripes!)  Here Lord Rick picks up his life such as it is and does his podcast, pissing off so many more people!  And those Wisemen! And that fake Craigslist poster, and the people on Deggi5 and My Space and NowLive and the Hot Saucers and UER and – and that Odd Empire, lions and tigers and bears…oh my!

In fact! One fellow on NowLive just announced that he’d had quite enough of Lord Rick thank-you–very–little and he was going to do a special on him.

Oh how the LoLcano erupts!  Comes now the Rickpocalypse!

Lord Rick had this to say about the upcoming show “All About Lord Rick…”

you got bobbi disrespecting ME. There doesnt take much brains to sit at a pc and play music the whole night he asked for it I delivered it. See the funny thing is the reason why you would mock me on snow mountain is because you are not man enough to climb that mountain yourself from the angle I did so wtf ever. You have no gratitude for the fact that I advertised your show TWICE now back to back.  People dont need to listen to you bash my expeditions I bash MY OWN expeditions on my show thats way better then it coming from someone who is drunk playing the beach boys slurring. You bring drama ill admit that but cockbobber can handle his own quarrel with me by calling in my show rather then being a sour puss over it plain and simple.

Yah, yah…  sure-sure fine Lord Rick…

Next Tuesday
Be there!

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