UFO enthusiasts call on Obama to release X-Files

UFO enthusiasts are pressing Barack Obama to release classified documents about sightings of alien spacecraft, encouraged by support from within the President-Elect’s own White House team.

By Tim Shipman in Washington
Last Updated: 1:30PM GMT 30 Nov 2008

Photographed by an anonymous French doctor on March 23, 1974 in Tavernes, Var, during a major UFO flap over France

Photographed by an anonymous French doctor on March 23, 1974 in Tavernes, Var, during a major UFO flap over France

Desperate to see the US emulate the British Government and disclose reported “contact” with UFOs, the enthusiasts have written to Mr Obama to ask that his administration comes clean about the contents of America’s “X-Files”.

They believe they have good prospects of success after public statements of support from both John Podesta, who is running Mr Obama’s White House transition team, and Bill Richardson, the Governor of New Mexico – a UFO sighting hotspot – who is expected to secure a cabinet post.

In the letter to Mr Obama, the Extraterrestrial Phenomenon Political Action Committee calls on the President-Elect to “end the six-decade truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race”.


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3 Responses to UFO enthusiasts call on Obama to release X-Files

  1. Thethetansarecomingforya says:

    Watch out! More body thetans coming at ya! Ewww!! Go away!! Go away!! You decrease my super power level!! You pulled it in! Must. Go. To. RPF.

  2. Thethetansarecomingforya says:

    Rly? Moderation? Such a surprise. Have a good day sir. I hope you wake up one day. Your OaTee powers do not exist.

  3. Holy crap on Xenu’s toast!

    I AM RPF YOU STUPID ANON! Have you seen the Fleet V orders of the day? My signature is on them!


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