Apocalyptic ‘New Jerusalem’ Sect Falling Apart

In Mexico’s strange town called New Jerusalem, there’s no freedom of religion. You can’t play soccer, either. But John F. Kennedy is a saint, explains reporter Chris Hawley.

With its spiritual leaders dying after 35 years of all this, things in New Jerusalem are getting weirder, Hawley wrote this week in the Arizona Republic. “Townspeople look like extras from a Robin Hood movie. Women wear headscarves and brightly colored dresses. Monks garbed in brown or black mix with priests in white robes.” Among things banned: TV, radio, alcohol, makeup and pants for women.

Strangeness is the hallmark of sects and cults (cults are typically defined by charismatic leadership and abuse). Followers tend to weak ties to society when they sign up, experts say. And of course many members are born into a group and have no conception of societal norms.


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One Response to Apocalyptic ‘New Jerusalem’ Sect Falling Apart

  1. Wanshei says:

    Just an odd coincidence for you prophecy buffs, Juan Carlos King of Spain is referred to as King of New Jerusalem under the British Queen of England. Just for kicks he has in Rentiros Park in Madrid a statue of Lucifer entitled Angelus Caido or Fallen Angel.

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