Much Moar War News !:)

The war of words with Lord Rick that is.

In the last few months, Lord Rick has reportedly been spending hours upon agonizing hours, poring over every clue, every scrap of evidence  of the MASSIVE HATE CRIMES committed against him and every single member of the Paranormal and Ghost society who even now mass online and in real life to wage devastating WARFARE on the vile-disgusting HATERS!!!!

The haters  (pictured above) taunted Lord Rick and all three of his PGS members to the point where he’d finally (once again) had enough!

In a 7000 word address (I’m not kidding! 7000 words!) to his trio of loyal PGS members (which are also known as the  MILLION MEMBER DON’T-FUKK-WITH-US RAVING HOARD!!!! group ) Lord Rick had this to say about his recent online taunting.

I need a woman who does not wear panties hahahaha i don’t care what country it is lmao yeah I know I am about as naughty as they come.
— Lord Rick

Oops! That was a response to one of Lord Rick’s supporters, one that I assure you, no one wants to see with her panties off (brrr!)

Here was Lord Rick’s real take on his recent taunting.

Tonight we have exposed the stalkers who been threatening our members and myself for the past year almost. I am sorry but I have to do the right thing and you people are in a lot of trouble. I am not mad at any of you members remember  Lord Lulz, Lordbutthurt etc all those names which signed up on our groups? That  I forwarded to everybody? Well your not going to believe who this is state tuned  as I forward the evidence in a bit!
— Lord Rick

Lord Rick’s evidence turned out to be long and rambling screed ( 7000 words, amazing!) on how people are going to pay for all of their FOUL HATE CRIMES and how he’s going to make the world a better place for shiftless, out of work druggies on public assistance. We at the Odd Empire think it might actually be amusing for The US to become more like Somalia. But then again I suspect latte prices would go up so officially; I hate this plan Lord Rick!

“No Panties lady” responded this way;

Go, Rick, Go! Get ’em! I am still trying to expose the Stalkers after
me, trying to nail down Identities and such.
–“ No Panty lady.”

Uh…wut?  Stalkers are after No Panties Lady too? I guess so! Based on a screen-shot that Lord Rick so graciously provided to the Odd Empire and the rest of humanity, No Panties Lady turns out to be an elderly woman living in the US Southwest who got taunted on a Billy the Kid interest forum (they have forums for everything!) Anyway, No Panties Lady appears to be even more paranoid than Lord Rick! (The word “paranoia” in this context is an opinion coming from a lay-person and does not constitute a medical opinion.) Speaking of paranoia, Lord Rick sent this little gem out to everyone and their Mom.

Not only is he dropping dox on his own followers, HE STILL USES AOL!!!! WHO IN THE HELLS STILL USES AOL?!!!!

BTW, I smudged out the email names coz I am the nice one!

Anyway, No Panties Lady continued;

O.k., looking at the Traceroute for one of these Stalkers, I may have
an Identical Match from my prior Records, I will have to double check,just to be sure and I just need the IP Numbers of Road Wolf and Synthia, to get the rest of the matches.

If you can get me this, it would be appreciated. I want to cross –
reference it with my other prior Records and also with others in the
Billy the Kid Community, that I suspect of being them. If I can get matches that way, then the Entire Ring of Stalkers after me also goes DOWN!
— No Panties Lady

Um.. the funny thing is, no one (until now) has ever heard of No Panties Lady. Now; she’s not only throwing in with Lord Rick but she’s kinda…sorta … publicly talking about cyberstalking people who are angry at him, not her. I hope that serves to persuade all of the people who taunted her in the past to immediately turn themselves into the FBI and face long prison sentences for their horrific crimes.

But it might just get new people angry, at her!

Lord Rick’s taunters for their part were reportedly quivering in fear at the idea of traceroute being used to find them!  Oooo! I hope they never EVER use IP lookup!

Oh well!  Lord Rick is not one to sit still idly by  and do nothing rash or stupid! He responded with a series of long and very tedious epistles which supposedly detail a long and unfair campaign to … well I’m not sure what the goals of the evil campaign actually are, but it’s really evil and sure fun to watch!

In Lord Ricks triumphant message to his “followers,” he says in part.

I want you to know as members it sickens me to think such a great  author has spent the last past year signing under my groups making  threats, stalking my personal ads, mocking out my children, telling me they  are going to make me lose custody, being a part of the blackmailing of my ex  to get information offering her money just to fess up on my personal life. I  want you to people to know the truth about this author who runs a group of  60 people. It wont stop
there I have gathered enough evidence to prove who  this person is and tonight I will expose them its over for them. If they do  not cancel that blog about me I will personal see it to it that is a  threat against a man running for a political career.

The blog Lord rick mentions is at The blog was created by someone (I truly don’t know exactly who,) who had a bone to pick with Lord Rick and being the brave ghost buster that he is  refused to hear it and threatened them from his hugbox. So some people decided to taunt him back, this somehow turned into a “hate site” and the people doing the taunting became “child molesters” and “stalkers.” We can only guess that the group of taunters will soon be guilty of genocide and accused of murdering kittens! The taunters for their part adopted Lord Rick’s own name for them “The Wisemen” which they thought sounded better than “Child Molesters” , “haters” and certainly better than “Kitten Killers.”

For Lord Rick’s part, he approached this in a mature manner, befitting a man of his station. In a recent Empire of the Odd intercept of one of  Lord Rick’s courageous attempts to interfere with someone’s livelihood; Lord rick had this to say.

name: PGS Staff

Message: I have been informed that a micro anylist who works for your (business) named Guy Pettinyhill who runs the site www.oddemorg has been using his job for personal gain, stalking, harassment and lible. He also owns many other blogs proof is time stamped of these blogs were made during his work hours which holds you 100 percent responsible. According to our attorneys we can and we will be holding you responsible unless you terminate him from your employment or have him remove this lible site which he is the chief editor of.

Our legal staff looked this message over and were quite amused by what it said.  Who’s Pettinyhill anyway and what the hell is this www.oddemorg? Not to mention what is an “anylist” and what does the term “lible mean?”

The letter goes on to demand this person ”Pettinyhill” get fired immediately or the business will fall under relentless legal assault as soon as Lord Rick can find a pro-bono attorney who’s willing to take on a multimillion dollar company with a real legal staff. Also, is in fact a domain attached to a free blogger site but does not seem to have an editor named Pettinyhill. Actually, it does not seem to have an editor at all.

He also left the following message on someone’s on-line business site;

Do you actually think I am stupid do you know what is going to happen here? Do not worry my sweet you been caught and caught bad were done playing your fuckin dead bitch hahaha I have known it for a long long time JUDGE:) now we bring the game to YOU! Courtesy of (name suppressed) and myself!:) I look forward to watching you die! !

My legal staff (the Hounds of Hell) looked this over and didn’t really have much to say about it. The junior partner Leo Shyster sniffed at it and murmurerd “looks like a death threat” and went back to chewing on a bone or whatever he was doing.

Well whatever the case, Lord Rick’s has  managed to stir up a hornet’s nest once again. In the last few months he’s (allegedly,)

  • Made a number of false police reports across state lines.
  • Engaged in cyber stalking and publicly requested that people gather information for him.
  • Publicly requested that people hassle ISPs and employers of his “haters.”
  • Made many claims that people are somehow reaching through his computer screen and molesting his kids.
  • Made several threats to employers of unrelated parties.
  • Made threats to employers of people who may be related to his “hater groups” but failed to establish how.
  • Accused several people of using controlled substances.
  • Claimed he sent lots of dox to the venerable Tampa Bay News even though there is no such thing (psst! It’s called Bay News 9.)
  • Made a large number of threats of physical violence.
  • Ensured that the threats of violence were real by attaching real names to the targets.
  • Made some death threats.
  • Dropped dox on people to assure that the death threats become real death threats.
  • Made lots of rude comments on YouTube and blogger accounts.
  • Blamed getting thrown out of his house on people thousands of miles away.
  • Blamed his time as a homeless person in California on people thousands of miles away.
  • Oh yes, and he publicly bragged on how he got his cat high on pot.

But this is all OK says Lord Rick. It’s all for entertainment! Lord Rick and his crack legal staff put it this way.

“Disclaimer: The Paranormal & Ghost Society its Pictures, Videos, EVP’s, AngelOfThyNight Radio, Theories, Satire, Articles, Content, and Features are for Entertainment Purposes and Research Only. DO NOT try this at home! DO NOT try this away from home.

You know? I don’t know too much about how the law works I’m just an Odd Emperor, but it seems to my layperson’s notion that making threats and harassing people are not really covered by “fair use” or “satirical content.” I suppose if Jon Steward were to say “I’m gonna KILL YOUR ASS!” on his blog or his TV show, people would laugh it off. If he specifically NAMED who’s ass he’s intending to kill, that’s a different kettle of fish altogether. People tend to like their asses and respond unfavorably to death threats against them.

And making his cat smoke pot just sounds wrong! I’m sure Jon Stewart would never do that!

But personally, I think Lord Rick should take his own advice and not do this from home or in the public library, ever!  He really should stick to playing with his Wii and stay the hell off the Internet. Many of the things he’s doing is harmless and rather funny on the surface of it. Some are annoying, some of what he’s doing is just wrong and verging on criminal activity. The cat smoking dope thing really gets to me! Bad Lord Rick! No biscuit!

The problem with the Internet is that It’s OK to behave like a moron from time to time. The nature of the Internet takes that into account. My page has been documenting such activity for a long time (much to the chagrin of the people behaving like morons.) Lord Rick has only gotten our attention because of his constantly  stupid behavior on line. It’s not because we dislike him, hell if it were not for people like Lord Rick the Odd Empire would not exist! One of my staff members put it this way.

“Lord Rick? If it were not for people like him this world would be a dull place, full of people who make good choices.”

Now, some have suggested that Lord Rick is actually a mentally disabled person and should be treated with special rules. They say it’s unfair to pick on someone with such obvious difficulty navigating society like … um … normal people.

For example, if Lord Rick  puts someone’s name and address in a public place  and that person gets harassed at their home on the same night? That’s OK because it’s just Lord Rick being Lord Rick.

Unfortunately, in the real world, people are all judged the same way. If Lord Rick has some mental health issues (or chemical dependency problems, drinking problems, anger management problems Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Paranoia) that causes him to say and so many strange things, that’s…. OK I guess.

but for Pete’s sake, don’t expect people to continue to give him the benefit of the doubt! If he feels that people are taking him the wrong way he should back off and shut the hell up! Look at what he’s is putting out there. People are reacting exactly how one would expect them to react! Flaming people is kind of like going on a bender at a good party. It may feel alright at the time but the hangover the next morning is a bitch.

My advice to lord Rick from here on out? Simply switch your Enter key with your delete key. that’s it! You will remember that you’ve switched them when you are sober. When you are drunk or stoned? This will save you LOTS of problems. You could also try disconnecting your network line anytime you toke up or take a drink, (but I’d miss you!)

Hey! This is a secret! I’m telling you this out of the goodness of my heart!

The Internet is like a giant stupid test. People can say and do things more or less anonymously that would never say and do in real life. It’s good in a way because it allows people air out issues that otherwise stay hidden. But like anything else, some forbearance, discretion and temperance needs to be maintained or people could get harmed in real life. Best advice I can give? Everyone should wait before hitting the send button. There is no hurry! The Internet is going to be around tomorrow and the next day and the next.

And remember funseekerrs! Never drink/ toke while driving and never drink/toke on the Internet highway. Well you can drink responsibly on the Internet, as long as you can deal with the hangover!

The current anti Lord Rick page is located at Come by and comment or if you want to contribute, PM one of the authors and they can hook you up.

One of Lord Rick’s Yahoo pages is at This is one he does not seem to have closed off to guests yet. Otherwise his main site is located at

Be careful going in there. Lord Rick has a history of gleaning IPs from that page and doing god knows what with them. Always make sure your proxy condom is in place before looking at any page created or controled by Lord Rick.

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10 Responses to Much Moar War News !:)

  1. I did not give permission nor was it disclosed to me that any group photographs were taken at the last Wisemen’s meeting.

    It is a damn sweet pic though. The helmets bring out my shine.

  2. radtastic says:

    if people would just stop judging rick, i mean he’s just a guy running a paranormal group and for president in 2012 trying to get women to accept his affections via 25 blogs a day about how they wont accept his affections. oh and 25 other blogs a day complaining bc he had a meet up and no one showed. of course to read these blogs and hundreds of bulletins you must have an intimate knowledge of ricks version of the english language, which is mostly made up words and names and places and giant run on sentences. maybe if just one brave no pantied woman would accept his offer of a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, rick would gain a little faith back in this society that has wronged him so.

    i dare to say half of ricks “stalkers” are actually just rick making fake profiles on various sites. he wouldnt know what to do without negative attention.

    (comment suppressed)

  3. Wow – like wow!

    That came out of a human being who wasn’t trying to be funny?

    The one thing I like about Rick is his streams of consciousness writing. It’s like looking into somone’s mind. I mean, all writing is autobiographical to some extent but Rick’s writing is his actual thoughts, raw, uncensored and put on paper for all to see.

    The other funny thing about Lord Rick, he believes every word that he writes. The man is a complete train wreak of recursive self deception. Quite incredible!

  4. Melissa Fan says:

    I can shed some light on the Mighty Lord Rick’s latest fantasy–have you noticed he is directing his conversations to a “Missy”? Missy is a well known internet bum-boil who trolls western history and paranormal websites, making wild claims to psychic powers and–best of all–claims to believe she is the reincarnated wife of Billy the Kid (who never married), the descendent of Billy the Kid and, if that weirdness isn;t enough, has been known to claim she is having a spectal sexual affair with the ghost of Billy the Kid. Poor Billy. Anyway, anyone who challenges her, mocks her, or simply dismisses her is immediately relegated to the ever-gorwing ranks of the stalkrs she claims to have. SHE trolls other people’s boards with this garbage, then accuses them of stalking her–on their own boards, mind you. Anyway, she seems to have taken hold of the Mighty Lord Rick’s depraved imagination, and I think that’s why he is now talking wildly of “stalkers”.

    What a shame neither of them will ever believe that no one would bother either one of them, except for pure entrtainment, of course. I do love to watch the train wreck that is Melissa–in that respect, the Lord Rick is a bonus catch.

  5. Indeed; I think I misnamed “Missy,” in my report, I am truly sorry sorry to have called her “No Panties Lady,” a terrible misstatement.

    I think “Moonbat” is much more appropo.

    I’ve actually heard her on Rick’s podcast! When he allows her on the show she completely dominates it and him! I mean, Rick’s podcasts are legendary for their sheer stupidity and narcissism but this person is making the stupid count much much lower (or higher depending on how you call it.)

    The Rickster and Moonbat, two great mouths that can’t figure out when to shut up.

  6. Melissa Fan says:

    How we envy you, that you have heard the Voice of the Beast! We haven’t yet been able to bring ourselves to listen to the Mighty Lord Rick’s podcast. This might sway us.

    You are correct in misnaming Missy as a “No Panties Lady”–panties on or panties off, she ain’t no lady. I can also correct your portrayal of her as an elderly woman–our Melissa is 31, plain as dirt, and weighs about 300 pounds. Well, maybe 250. It’s hard to tell, since she loves to corset herself up in cheap replicas of Victorian dresses. This we know because she loves to post pictures of herself on the message boards and blogs she keeps every now and then.

    Oh, and although my friends and I have been accused by Melissa of being her “Stalkrs”, we are merely fans of this train wreck. We watch her internet life like other people watch the Simpsons. No one has, to my knowledge, ever threatened, harasses, followed, etc., either Melissa or her family. Hell, who would want to? As far as we can tell, the only people who have ever had communication with dear Missy is the family who is descended from the woman Melissa claims to be the reincarnation of–and they took action only after Melissa stalked and threatened THEM. In other words, the Beast and the Mighty Lord Rick are perfect matches–I thank God there’s no chance of them breeding (although the resulting mutant spawn would be highly fascinating from a morphological, if not psychological, standpoint).

  7. Hah! Well I don’t know very much about her, that’s certainly true. I do know her voice now and the knowledge gives me a cranium ache! From what I can gather, she seems to be cut out of the same stuff Rick is, just bossier.

    Alas, I will no doubt be dubbed a stalker too, even though I have no desire to find out more about this person. I already know WAY more about Rick than I want. What is with people who put their entire lives out on line in reams of crappy grammar–misspelled prose and get angry when people make light of it. I really don’t care about who Rick bonked last week and I don’t care that Moonbat thinks she’s the tenth removed granddaughter of Billy the Kid or whatever.

    Someday; the mental health people will have a single word description for folks like that, for me, “net-tard works just as well.

  8. Missy’s voice makes my brain hurt. Whenever her name comes up I can’t concentrate because I am trying to shield my thoughts from her voice.

  9. radtastic says:

    Rick’s upset his attempt to hit on girls through myspace applications is going south, he furiously blogged about it and i have el oh el’d.

    (comment suppressed.)

  10. Yeah whatever. Hey dude! I appreciate what you are trying to do but skulking around Rick’s MySpace just gives him justification to stalk other people. I think we’ve had plenty of that. If you want to PM me with this crap that’s your business but please don’t be publishing Rick’s dirty laundry here anymore K?

    I know Rick’s MySpace has got as many moles as fembots (and it’s got a lot of fembots!) But, to tell you the utter truth, I’m not one of them and I frankly don’t care.

    Sorry if that sounds abrupt but I believe people have a right to privacy, even if others don’t believe that. Public statements are OK to comment on, private statements are not.

    Anyway, thanks for stopping by.

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