Cripzoology Community Upset at Hoaxers

Matt Whitton (l) and Rick Dyer (r), the two guys behind the Georgia Bigfoot hoax, are at it again!

However, this time, these two gentlemen’s continued inability to live in a world of any reality is frankly appalling.

I have attempted to ignore their new appearances, sideshow tent shows, and silly attacks on me and others on their “new” website since August. Yes, as news, I reported on the sale of the costume and freezer on eBay, which had little to do with them, but added a reference to what has been claimed about who they are and mentioned their reported checkered past, with citations and history, within the context of the new attention to the tired old story.

According to a third source, Rick Dyer then sent word out that he was going to get me for publishing the Atlanta Journal Constitution story that he had allegedly gone AWOL from the military. “Dyer claims to have private investigators researching those who attack him,” I was told privately, and that I should watch my back.


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