Denying That Real Ghosts Do Not Exist
Won’t Make Them Disappear.

by Hayden Chasse

A paranormal disturbance purge also known as Ghost Busting, a haunted house hacking or home cleansing of ghosts, it goes by many names. The character of many of these supposed Ghost Hunter – Ghost Busters is what might lead to confusion and deception. Not all who do this are honest enough to tell you this is not 100% guaranteed. Consider the person who clears your location of unwanted ghosts. Do they really know what they are doing? Many of these fraudulent Ghost cleansing acts or done for profit or to gain some unfair and dishonest advantage and reputation. And remember what worked for one haunting does not work for another.

Over the years many smart people thought they could come up with specific ghost traps. New Orleans Voodooist actually trap troublesome ghosts in bottles and make them into spirit zombies to do their bidding. Even to use the original haunting ghost to protect your home from being robbed by the living or to get rid of unwanted visitors. Troy Taylor, president of the American Ghost Society in Alton, Illinois, has had experience with a ghost releaser in his area who seems to have a good success rate. The man more or less woke up one day and realized he could communicate with ghosts and convince them to cross over.

The first thing you need to know about real-life ghost busters is that they don’t like the term “ghost buster.” To actually bust a ghost, you’d need two things:

An actual, verifiable ghost.

A tested, proven method of getting rid of that ghost.

The problem a real ghost buster runs into is simply this: Neither of those things has ever been conclusively proven to exist. And so few Paranormal Investigators actually do any ghost problem solving. They only come in and document the haunted paranormal activity.


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  1. This a an amusing little piece. The writers are sincere enough but as some of us know, sincerity does not in itself create truth. In ghost investigating/ghost busting or whatever you want to call it, one must first classify what a ghost is in a physical sense, then figure out what a good test will be to determine a “ghostly presence.” Since no one can even agree on what a ghost is let alone how to test for one, the question “is a ghost present” cannot be answered scientifically.

    So what are so-called ghost investigators doing?

    Engaging in religious activity thats what! What’s wrong with that? Put away the EMF detectors and IR cameras, in the last ten years that junk has never conclusively found anything that might not have already been there. Get out the taro decks, the holy water and rattles! Why not! It’s a religion, treat it like one!

    Is that such a bad thing?

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