The War Heats Up!

The war with Lord Rick that is!

Much to do about nothing in the new war of words with Lord Rick! The Rickpocalypse as I call it. For those of you just joining in, Lord Rick is a fellow who fancies himself to be a professional Ghost Buster, a god, a conjurer of demons, a psychic, an empath, a lawyer, web minister, writer, spelunker,  haxor, judge, jury, doctor, baker, candlestick maker, witch, mountain climber, daring explorer, Internet Tough guy, radio personality, film star, porn star, porn photographer and all around awesome dude!

He happens to be a proponent of the 420 lifestyle which, as I understand it involves smoking dope until getting delusional (who knew?)

Lord Rick was recently living Sunny Daytona Beach Florida until the bikers finally chased him him out saying they thought he was a nutball. Now he’s upgraded his digs  to…..

Las Vegas Nevada!

Someone ‘xsplaine to me how thees is an upgrade?

A few of you who happen to know Lord Rick (and live in Eugene Oregon)  may remember him as a brave solider, fighting the good fight against us evil septic-skeptics. Yes! Vile beings who can’t understand that you (darling!) really DID fly into space on that orange alien saucer, with your 20 cats!

That last paragraph may make absolutely no sense at all, my apologies, but it does make perfect sense to one or two people.

But enough of these unimportant matters!

I wanted to comment on the War with Lord Rick!

He’s had some pitfalls in the past few months. His car got damaged (like someone broke all of his windows.) he’s gotten stopped by the cops several times, he got mugged by bobcats or some shit. He showed up at a casting call for a haunted attraction thinking he was going to be another TAPS. He’s on the verge of getting the bad-boot out of his in-law’s home and he’s running away from huge phone bills (again.)

Then there is the Internet! The place he makes his living (such as it is,) his refuge from an otherwise chaotic existence! Where Rick can truly pretend to be  god! As he fires up his in-laws five year old P-III with Windoze XP Home he knows that people on the Internet will finally start taking him seriously!

Coz Lord Rick is serious Internet business !

But what is this! People are openly mocking Lord Rick! People all over the country are learning who Lord Rick is, they are giggling at his absurd rants and his open dope habit. They LOL at his thoughts on child rearing and his long, tedious epistles on god fucking knows what!

“Why? Why!” he asks! “Why do people pester me? WHY when I put so much hard work and effort to bring the hungry masses my TEN MILLION ghost investigations? When I tell people what I really think! When I tell them  I am GOD and they should bow down before me.

And give me all of their money!

They mock me! How dare they do this!

I’m the LORD RICK – BITCH!!!!!

So Lord Rick goes to work.  He sits down at his in-law’s holy keyboard and begins typing. He demands that the people on his Simple Machine forum start finding his “haters” and turn this information over to him. He offers prizes! (this is known as stalking by proxy.)

“Ya know” he says. “ what the hell with those that treat me like garbage I am from Fuc**** NY from now on you try me:) no more playing nice those that get treated nice are people like Jill, Dale, Jim, who post and have been there for many years. I am so tired of going soft no more softness again you don’t like my goddamn show, list or work get off of it. Do not join to bitch how I screwed you over. If you really want me to screw you over Ill take a goddamn flight to your front door put that on your blog then what will you do hehe.”

It would be funny if he did! I know the jails in my town are chock full of guys would luv to get a chance to meet Lord Rick. They would admire his mullet and they think tats are boss!! Wow! Especially that green alien on your chest Lord Rick! I’m sure they would be MOST impressed! Please come back to the Odd Empire and I will be happy to introduce you!

Let me tell you something cause I know you bitches hide on my list male bitches that is. We got one guy who is a washed up editor, another one who is a cocaine addict, got another one who is a freaking whore now that is a good one but we wont say names, and the other one does what he does to make himself feel better cause he is goddamn butt ugly. I am Lord Rick almost 800 paranormal investigations, on the cover of RHC, just did a film, got a site with thousands of evidence of the paranormal. You haters I used for all your worth thank you for bring thousand wait 100000s of thousands of hits to my site you gave me what I wanted alright fame:) but now its time to say bye to you haters cause you see… is the thing I will be around 10 years from now….15 years from now:) while you will still be sitting on your lard asses picking them looking at my hot photos showing off my tattoos and nice biceps no ego just fact:)

Ooooh I must bow down to Rick’s righteous anger and his (er….) facts!  I Suppose I’ll just sit in my sun-drenched Imperial Atrium Office and sulk for a few seconds!

Or maybe I’ll have a latte!

Well, that should give you an idea of the current state of the Rickpocalypse. Rick is fighting the good fight! He’s shaking his virtual fists at his “haters” and toking one up for you and I. Remember Lord Rick says that  he’s on disability so your tax dollars pay for his drug habit!

Oh but pot’s NOT a drug….Lord Rick says so! Yah- sure!

How about we all give him a hand people! (golf clapping.)

The full text of this message to haters  can be found here.

Rick’s Yahoo group is here.  For gosh sakes people! Don’t flame him!

Rick’s Simple Machine Forum, PLEEEZE don’t troll Lord Rick, he will send a demon to get ya!

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2 Responses to The War Heats Up!

  1. radtastic says:

    rick did get kicked outta his inlaws, dad in law beat him up, it was all a conspiracy though between his….”spouse”…..and the rest of them of course, because why should he get a job or anything? why not live off disability checks and welfare? thats the true way of a paranormal investigator. you have to make these sacrifices!

    so guess what he took his “sons” and went and leeched off of some “friend”


    hes gonna be a BIG STAR

    but if only he could find love ya know. he puts his heart out there, hes willing to trade passion and love for room and board ya know. if only some ladies would give him a chance, to get to know him and build some trust and relations


  2. Lord Rick is serious Internet business! I think it behooves everyone to tell as many people as they can about the one and only Man God Lord Rick and make sure he gets the fame that he craves.

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